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A/N: This is a bit short so I'm sorry. But it was important! I hope you guys like it. Comment, vote, or follow me.

Pic: Clarissa

Peace out, Girl Scouts


It was humid outside, but nothing could distract me from the ever growing dread inside me.

My mother and Thomas trekked along ahead of me. It's been established that we'd move quicker without our thick coats weighing us down in the heat. My mind kept turning over and over as I tried to sort out my thoughts. What was going on? What should I be doing? Was I reacting correctly for this situation? Had anyone else ever been in this situation? "Darling, I don't want you to worry." My mother's voice felt like it was miles away but it grounded me. "We're going to sort all this out."

I'd never spoke to my father in such a manner. I was always raised be respectful and obedient. I had disobeyed him intentionally. I could only imagine how upset he probably was. It had bothered me when he called me property however. I understood he was upset; I was well. But didn't he want to sort it out? Do whatever it took to get everything all figured out? The thought I may be pregnant had honestly never occurred to me. I always assumed that women got pregnant because that's what I always saw. And the way my brother looked when he heard it just solidified the idea that this was not an everyday occurrence.

"Why don't you and your sister talk?" I wanted to distract myself from this new problem so I shot for the obvious.

"It's a long story, honey."

"Well it's a long walk so I think it'll all work out." Thomas retorted making me smile.

My mother let out her breath in a huff. "Okay. Well. We were orphans of the NorthBend River Pack--it's still right across the river--and we never did feel comfortable there. Then Clarrissa, my twin, was arranged to be married. We were seventeen at the time. The wolf she was set to marry was handsome and kind and perfect for her... But he was in the South Region. Very far from here. We'd always stuck together, her and I. We were a team. She was a trained medicine wolf which gave her a use within our own Pack. But the alliance was important for politics. Anyway, she was set to marry and looking forward to it when our Alpha told her I could not come. We were heartbroken but I urged her to go. I wanted her to be happy. She refused but the Alpha refused to call it off. Claiming we were 'indentured' to the pack after caring for us all our lives.

"Unwilling to leave me behind, the eve before she was set to leave, we packed all we had and ran. They hunted is for a week and we hid in the village we are heading too now. After that they gave up, essentially freeing us. Clarissa loved that man and wanted to marry him with her whole heart but her alliance to me was too strong. We settled down in the village. My sister working as a healer. I did scheduling and handled our finances. We were doing very well together and she grew less and less heartsick over the loss of the man she loved. The guilt for taking him away from her was terrible but I was happy to be with my sister.

"A few years later we were in the market, getting some herbs for Clarrissa's medicines. It was there I sensed your father. Almost instantly he appeared, proclaiming us to be mates as the Moon Goddess intended. I knew it to be true and Clarrissa appeared to be happy for us. However, as our wedding approached and talk of where we might live surfaced Clarissa grew very upset. She demanded we live in the village for her, reading me of our vow to never leave each other. But I love d your father so much and hated how busy the village was... We left. Clarissa never forgave me. She claims it of be unfair that she lost her call to love for me when I abandoned her for mine.

"Maybe she's right. Maybe I did a stupid, hypocritical thing, but I had wanted Clairssa to go and marry the man. I wanted her to be happy." My mother was quiet for a moment, a look of exhaustion on her face.

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