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A/N: So this took me a while to formulate. But I see only a chapter or two remaining in this story. And it makes me so sad. But also happy because OH MY GAWD, I'D HAVE FINISHED MY FIRST STORY! So anyway, please comment, vote, and follow me.

Peace Out, Girl Scouts


"This is the furthest we can take you." the dark haired man stated, eyeing me.

"What?" I turned sharply at that. I had no idea where I was--I'd never been this far West. This was no where near my home or rather, what used to be my home.

"The border."

Emory smiled at me, giving my hand a small squeeze. "I know where we're going," he said. "Grandma, grandpa, Uncle Jeffery and Thomas and Auntie Xena and Dennisse--they're all there y'know."

"This is where we leave you...Luna." Austin said, arms crossing. He frowned a bit. "I don't know he'd let you go..."

"Enough." a dark haired man nudged Austin who growled. "Don't question the Alpha's decisions. He wasn't to be harmed or spoken to."

Austin growled under his breath turning away. The two other men gave me curt nod.

Emory pulled me through the little stream in front of us. "Oh, Emory--now my shoes are all wet." I scolded instantly but in all reality it was all just setting in.

I wasn't too sure how I was feeling. I was free... Yet it wasn't setting in. It felt like Axel was going to tear out of the woods any second and rip me back toward him. I couldn't stop looking over my shoulder as Emory tugged me into the foreign territory. Austin was heading home, but the other two men were watching me with a straight unwavering expression. Was it this easy? Was I free?

"Daddy, aren't you coming?"

I cranked my head back and it felt like my nerves going to snap. "Yes...yes honey. Run!"

I don't know why we ran or why we had to run but it made the whole situation feel more...real. Even when I was out of breath--no doubt due to my lack of physical exercise since my unfortunate 'mating'--I just kept on running. "Daddy!" panted Emory. "No one's chasing us! Can't we stop now?"

I nodded my head, slowing down a bit. Sweat had accumulated on my brow. I instantly swiped it away with the back of my hand, tilting my head back. Then I let it all sink in. It was over but really, it was all just beginning. I began to worry then. What about poor Dawson? Or Jessie and the pup? And...what about Axel? Surely he was heartbroken, thinking his child was dead... I cradled my stomach then. Was it cruel of me to keep such a thing from him?

Or maybe I was doing it for the welfare of the child. I couldn't gauge what kind of father he'd be and I certainly wasn't going to take another risk like I did with Emory... "Aren't you happy, Daddy?"

"Happy? Yes...yes Daddy's very happy now." I murmured. But I felt oddly empty. I'd left everything behind. I knew that stuff should be the last thing on my mind but it was getting cold. Had Axel released me into the wild to freeze to death? "C'mon. The lady says we have to Register."

"Who?" I said, zoning back into my pup. He was here. We were safe--why wasn't I happy? "Register where?"

"With the pack," explained Emory. "They keep us safe, y'know."

I shook my head. "No Emory. We're not pack wolves...not anymore at least. We're rouges now. Pack wolves are bad...pack wolves are like Axel."

"Not all of them. The lady said so."

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