|71| No Stabs but They are Barking

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No Stabs but They are Barking
By Erika Cristine P. De Villa

Dogs shower in rain,

No stabs but they are barking,

Run, hide, and lay down.

from the author:

In the first line of my poem, the dogs symbolize us, humans, and rain symbolizes our heavy and non-stop tears. In the second line, the stabs symbolize humans' concealed battles or problems in life, and barking symbolizes the act of crying or the way of showing that we are in pain. In the last line, running, hiding, and laying down or resting symbolize how humans face their battles.

The overall meaning of my poem is that we, as humans, cry because we are in pain, not only physically but emotionally. Wounds are not always the reason why we feel hurt or cry. Most of the time, we cry because we cannot handle the pain that we are feeling inside our hearts. Crying is our way of showing that we are in pain. We attempt to escape the chaotic world, hoping that by doing so, we can heal and recover. If we run away for a while, hide and be alone for a few moments, and just lay down to take a rest, we can achieve a clearer mind. We hope that by getting the rest and peace we need, we can heal and continue living without any ache.

This poem serves as a realization that it is okay to cry, and sometimes it is better to distance yourself from things that make you feel hurt. It is okay to rest to recharge your energy and muster the courage to fight your battles.

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