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And now I'll do what's best for me.

Tobias pov...

I'm still shocked.

I don't know what to do.

How can this really happen?

Imana was alive.

The love of my life, my beautiful wife, the only one for me was still alive.

She hates me.

I neglected our twins, I ruined Blyana's life. I caused her pain and took away her happiness. I ignored Brayson's drinking problem and practically watched him suffer.

They will never forgive me.

Imana will never forgive me.

No one will.

Blaze pov...

My mum hates me.

My younger siblings hate me and I don't blame them.

Mum was right, Nadine is too good for me. She shouldn't have married a man like me when I treat my siblings like shit.

If I treat my siblings like this, then how will I be able to bring up my children?

Elliot pov...

Mum is really alive.

Like she was here well, healthy but had hatred across her face while looking at all of us.

She hates us and is disappointed in us.

I don't blame her.

I don't blame Brayson or Blyana.

Vincent pov...

Mum is fucking alive!

Brayson and Blyana fucking knew about it too. Worse of all, she's been watching our every move ever since we got back the twins. She's seen everything that has happened in this household.

I finally understand where Blyana is coming from.

If I was her, I would stay away from this family as well.

Davin pov...

I'm happy that the twins have finally left.

They deserve to be happy.

This household is way too toxic and is constantly making dents in their mental health. Living with mum would make them more happy.

I will miss them and I want to find a way to see them again but if I have to stay away from them, then I will.

For now, I'm going to stay away from them and focus on myself and my relationship with my girlfriend.

Blyana pov...

I finished showing Brayson around the house and was now at the organisation. I'm showing him around and stuff.

"This is the main training room where all the assassins train." I open the door and we walk in. The assassins were either training, taking a break or just talking. "Damn, mum really out did herself." He nodded looking around.

"Wait, doesn't this belong to you now?" He asked and I hummed, nodding. "I guess. That was mum's fake will but she said that it was time for her to let it go anyway. " I smiled and he smiled back at me nodding.

"I'm proud of you." he put his arm around me.

"Thanks." I gave him a small smile. "Wait, what's that?" I looked at where he was looking at and it was the assassin kill count billboard.

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