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If they're soft with you when you mention the things that hurt, let them in.

Brayson pov...

"Who are we meeting again?" I asked Blyana. "Some people who need to talk to you." she smiled. I'm so confused but I nodded either way. We get off the train and my phone pings. I look to see a message from Tobias but I ignore it.

After school, Blyana said that we needed to go somewhere for a meeting or something. She keeps telling me to wait till we get there so that is what I'm going to do. My phone pings about three times again.

"Who's texting you?" she asked, looking at my phone then at me. "Tobias." I sighed. "Oh, you don't call him Dad anymore?" she laughed. "No and it's not funny." I pull her hair and she glares at me.

"Alright, whatever." she rolled her eyes.

We walked into the restaurant, "This is Corbin's parents restaurant. What are we doing here?" I asked. "I know but the people we have to meet are here." she shrugged. She looked at the receptionist and she smiled. "The same room as usual?" The receptionist nodded and she thanked her.

She guided me to the private room and opened the door.

There was a guy and a girl who resembled mum a bit.

"Yana, I missed you." The girl hugged her and she hugged her back. She looked at me and her smile faded, "Brayson." She looked away and sat back down. I furrowed my eyebrows but sat down next to Blyana.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you lot?" I asked and they sighed. "We are you cousins, only cousins to be exact but who knows. New ones could come in the future." the guy shrugged.

I looked at Blyana, "Cousins? From which side?" I asked, shocked. "Mum's side of the family." she said. "Our dad is your mother's twin brother, Ivan. We then have Uncle Ronan, the middle child and then aunt Phaedra the youngest." The girl explained.

"We haven't introduced ourselves yet, I'm your oldest cousin's Zacharia and my younger sister, Phoebe." Zacharia smiled and I nodded.

"So we have 2 uncles and an aunt?" I looked at Blyana and she nodded. "How come I never knew them? How come you knew them before me?"

"Like I said, Brayson. Mum killed Darren and that's how I knew she was alive. That's when I went to Glasgow and met Ronan and Phaedra. I never knew about Ivan or them until a couple weeks ago."

I nodded.

"That's not why we really called you here to discuss. We need to explain some things to you before you come to Glasgow." Phoebe sighed.

"Your mother is the owner of the assassin organisation, Clarke Hawks Organisation. It was passed down from her father to her since she is the older sibling. When Blyana turns 18, she will become the owner of the organisation."

My eyes widened and looked at Blyana.

"Blyana is already a top and diamond assassin that goes by the name Agana. You probably already know she is an assassin anyway. Your position in the organisation was removed after, you know, the situation that happened but your mum still wants you to be involved."

Shit, I'm shocked as fuck.

"Okay, so um, what exactly do I do?" I asked.

"We know that you have a drinking problem and your whole situation. Before you enter the organisation, you will need to get better both physically and mentally. Once you're cleared, you will start your training and you're able to go back to London if you want."

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