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Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel.

Blyana pov...

At this very moment my stuff is being moved into my new office.

I will be leaving for New York tonight so I want everything to be ready and set when I come back. I can't actually believe that this is what my life has really come to.

I'm now leading the empire that people have been killing each other over. This is going to be stressful especially with owning an organisation and an empire.

As much as mum hates this empire, she suggested merging it and the organisation. I don't think that's a good idea but I told her I would think about it. I already did and no is the answer.

I told Brayson everything and he was angry. I don't know why but that's none of my business. He was happy for me though but whatever. I have other shit to focus on.

I stop at a red light and look in the side mirrors. I've noticed that this car has been following me for a while and all the windows are tinted. I can't see shit but let me act dumb but smart.

The light switched to green and I started driving. I pushed onto the gas and accelerated my speed. I drove through this forest and they were following me which made it all so much easier.

I pressed on the gas again and changed my gear swiftly. I turned the car around and this time I was face to face with them. My phone rang but since it was connected to the car I just picked it up.

"Hello?" I grunted, stepped on the pedal and drove full speed towards them while they reversed. "Hello? Are you okay?" Corbin said.

"Not the right time, Corbin but I'm fine." I crashed into the front of the car, pushing them into a tree. "Is something happening?" Corbin asked and I unbuckled my seatbelt. "I just need to kill a few guys, I'll be back." 

"Don't get hurt then, love." I smiled and walked out of my car. I already have my gun and knife strapped to me.

About four people got out of the car.

They were all wearing black and had masks on so the only thing I could see was their eyes and hair. At least I know they're all white.

One of them charged at me and I smirked.

He threw a punch but I ducked. He threw a roundhouse kick at me and I ducked again. He kept throwing punches and I was just blocking them. This is boring as fuck. I grabbed his arm and pulled it over my shoulder.

I flipped him over and he landed on the ground. I put his arm in between my legs and twisted it, snapping it. He screamed but I was already on the next one.

I grabbed his arm and spun him around a bit to distract him. I elbowed him in the face and it flinged up, giving me the space to uppercut and completely knock him out.

"Fucking hell," I hiss as my knuckles started to bleed and sting. "Who are you guys?" I asked, bringing out my knife. "You don't know who Robert is?" I could tell they were smirking from under their mask.

"Robert? Who the fuck is Robert?"

They both charged at me and I sighed. One of them swung a punch but I ducked, moving to the other side. I grabbed the other one's arm and twisted it. I used my knife to aim for their neck but I was booted in the stomach.

I fell back to the floor and I saw his shoe coming down to my face. I quickly rolled over and got up, swiping his feet at the same time. I did a handspring backwards and quickly picked up my knife, throwing it at him.

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