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Nobody smart plays fair.

Blyana pov…

I pulled up to the field park.

No one was around. It was completely empty.

I got out of the car and locked my door. I looked around just in case someone was watching me but no one.

I walked through the field looking at my surroundings.

Of course.

I ducked down and saw a knife hit the tree in front of me. I quickly turned around, ducking a punch. I jabbed the person in the jaw and kicked them in the side. I spun around kicking them in the chest, making them fly back.

I grabbed my knife from my belt and walked up to them. I pulled them up and ripped off their mask.

It’s not Felicity.

“Where is Felicity?” I asked her. “Who gives a fuck? She won’t give me my drugs and she’s giving you your stupid baby back.” she sneered. Oh, I see. “You're the one that carried my baby?” I laughed and bent down.

“She was getting tired of you anyway.” I stabbed my knife in her neck and she grabbed my suit with wide eyes. I dug my knife deeper making her choke on it. I heard a baby make noise.

I looked up and saw a baby car seat, making my eyes widen.

I pulled the knife out and walked towards it. I removed the small blanket from the top and saw her. She was wide awake and moving around. She’s probably almost 4 months old.

I looked around and saw no one at all. I covered it again and picked it up walking to my car but also making sure no one was around.

My phone rang.


“She was born Thursday 1st February last year. She was born in Tokyo, Japan. Since you have your little thing back, you get to pick a name for her. Thank you for getting rid of the druggie, she was pissing me off. Now, let me get back to planning your death and taking back what’s mine.”

Felicity cut the call.

I unlocked my car and put the car seat in the front as well as putting the seat belt around it.

Time skip…

As soon as I got to the front door, it opened. Corbin looked at me then at the baby car seat.

“Um, here’s our baby.”

Corbin pov…

Blyana and I both stared at our baby.

“Her birthday is the 1st of February. She was born in Japan.” I looked at Blyana but she was still staring at our baby. “She has your skin and your hair.” I smiled and looked back at her. “She has my face as well.” I rubbed her stomach and she started moving.

“Does she have a name?” I asked and she shook her head. “No, Felicity said that she wanted me to name her.” She rolled her eyes and stood up, sighing. “This is way too much.” she mumbled, walking around.

“We can do this. We’ll do it together, okay.” I stood up and stopped her from walking. “We don’t even have any baby things for her.” I smiled. “I ordered some stuff already. Well, the basic stuff.”

She rested her head on my chest, “I can already see my mum's reaction.” I smiled, stroking the back of her head. “Shit.” she mumbled, walking away from me. “Shit, shit!” she screamed.

I turned as I heard noises coming from our baby, “Blyana, you're waking her up.” she looked at me then our baby.

“Our parents, our families.” she sat back down with her hands on her head. “You know what, let’s not worry about them just yet. Let’s focus on naming our baby girl and being good parents.”

I grabbed her face to look at me.

She looked at me but I just smiled.

“We can do this together.”


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Welp... WE HAVE A BABY!!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter


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