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If someone makes you feel, let them.

Imana pov...

I stormed down the stairs in my house and entered the living room, seeing my siblings. "I am tired of that house! I am going to London and picking up Blyana and Brayson!" I groan in frustration.

"What? What happened now?" Ivan asked.

"Blyana and Brayson just came back from the meeting with Zacharia and Phoebe. Tobias was shouting at them asking where they were but they made a quick lie. Blaze kept on butting in until Blyana called him out. He tried to hurt her but Brayson stepped in before he could."

"Okay, calm down. I can feel your anger bouncing off the walls." Ronan laughed. "Ronan, I'm not playing." I glared at him and he put his arms up in surrender.

"I have had it up to here with them." I rub my hands across my face. "You can't go to London yet, not until the twins turn 18. Remember, you gave them strikes, right?" Ivan asked and I nodded. I sat down, "Exactly. They have one more strike so wait until they break that one." he said.

"I think she should go to London. I will also follow." Phaedra said and I looked at her. "Yes, let's go." We both stood up but Ivan glared at us. "Sit down. And you need to stop encouraging violence all the time." he told Phaedra.

"I only condone violence when it comes to that stupid family or assassinations." she shrugged. "This wouldn't have even happened if Robert didn't force you to marry Tobias. If he didn't put you in an arranged marriage and sent us off to Greece." Ronan sighed.

"Speaking of Robert. Does Blyana know that he was the one that has the documents?" I asked, looking at them. "No, she doesn't even know who Robert is but I was hoping you would tell her since, you know, it's mainly aimed at you." Phaedra said.

"I will tell her when she arrives here." I nodded.

"I will shock them, especially Tobias." I smirked.

Blyana pov...

We walked into school and the school was quiet.

"Where is everyone?" Brayson asked. "I dunno." I mumbled, looking through classrooms. "You need to be on the top playground!" We turned and saw a member of SLT. "Why?" we asked. "Fire drill, now go." We rolled our eyes and made our way onto the playground.

We walked up the stairs and the form tutors were doing the register.

"Brayson?" She called out.


"Late as usual. Blyana?"


"Late as well, what a surprise." she smiled at me and I stood behind Brayson since we have to be in register order. "Since when did we have fire drills?" I asked Valencia who was behind me. "We always have you guys who are just either late or not in." she smiled and I nodded.

I went behind Valencia so she could talk to her boyfriend and I stayed on my phone. My phone pinged:

'That family is on their last strike. If they try that bullshit again, I will be there in an hour.'

I sighed and left her on read. Mum isn't playing anymore and some blood will be spilt if they keep messing around.

"Blyana, get off your phone and come stand in the front!" I sighed and put my phone in my bag so they wouldn't try and take it. I come out of the line and walk to the front of everyone. I lean on the muga gate.

"I think we're destined to be." I turned and saw Corbin smirking at me. I sighed and turned away. "Have you thought about it yet?" he asked. "As soon as I turn 18, I'm gone, Corbin. I might not even come back so why are you still bent on trying to make this work?" I asked.

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