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The next morning, Hinata woke up with a pounding headache, and his body ached from the waist below. Kageyama had been awake for a while; he propped his head up with his arm and stroked Hinata's hair until he was awake.

"Morning," Kageyama said.

"What time is it?" Hinata grumbled.

"It's noon, dumbass," Kageyama said.

Hinata groaned and rolled over to face away from Kageyama.

"We have to get up now," Kageyama said.

Kageyama sat up and got out of bed. He took a quick shower before putting on fresh clothes. Then he picked up all the discarded clothes from the night before.

"Come on, Shoyo, you have to get up," Kageyama said.

"No, everything hurts," Hinata mumbled.

Kageyama went into the guest bathroom and turned on the warm water in the bath. Then he filled a glass with water and grabbed some painkillers. He brought them over to Hinata.

"Take these," Kageyama said.

Hinata gladly took the pills and swallowed them with the water. Kageyama took the glass back and came back. Hinata was clearly not going to willingly get out of bed. Kageyama walked over to the bed and pulled the covers back. Hinata shivered and mumbled something. Then Kageyama picked Hinata up in bridal style and carried him over to the warm bath, waiting.

Hinata was clearly embarrassed and covered his face with his hands. Kageyama lowered him into the bath, and Hinata immediately relaxed.

"I trust that you can wash yourself." Kageyama asked Hinata.

Hinata nodded in response, and Kageyama left the bathroom and went and stripped the bed. He put it in the bucket with the rest of the dirty clothes. He brought the laudnry downstirs. He found people sleeping on the couch and on the floor, clearly hungover.

"Where's your boyfriend? It sounds like you had fun last night," Miwa smirked.

"He's upstairs," Kageyama said, turning red at his sister's comment.

He left the apartment and went downstairs to where the laundry room was and put their laundry in the washing machine. Kageyama played on his phone while he waited for the stuff to be washed and dried before putting it all back in the bucket and taking it upstairs.

Kageyama entered the apartment again and headed back up to the guest room. He found Hinata still in the math tub, playing with the bubbles in the bath. Kageyama laughed at the sight; Hinata glared and pouted at him.

"Dumbass, why don't you get out of the bath?"

"I'm too tired to stand up," Hinata said.

"Moron," Kageyama scoffed before reaching into the bath and pulling the plug.

Water drained from the tub, and Hinata rinsed the rest of the soap off of his body.

"Can you get up now?" Kageyama asked.

"No," Hinata said.

Kageyama rolled his eyes, picked Hinata up by his arms, and stood him up on the floor. Hinata's legs trembled a bit before he was steady. Kageyama handed him a towel and left the bathroom. He laid out some clothes for Hinata before heading downstairs.

He looked through the kitchen and found ingredients to make something for Hinata. Kageyama threw together some pasta and a salad. Just on cue, Hinata walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

"For you," Kageyama said, placing the plates in front of him," how are you doing?"

"I am still tired, but I am starving," Hinata said, picking up a fork and immediately beginning to eat.

Hinata finished quickly, and Kageyama cleaned up his dishes. Hinata yawned and got back up to head back upstairs. Kageyama followed him upstairs and got into bed next to him.

"Tobio," Hinata said when they were all comfortable.

"Yes?" Kageyama mumbled.

"Do you regret doing what we did last night while we were drunk?"

"Not at all; I don't care if we were drunk. Do you?"


"Good, now close your eyes and go to sleep," Kageyama said.

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