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Over the next couple of weeks, Hinata and Kageyama spent their time together. Kageyama was able to meet some of Hinata's old friends and neighbors. Everyone was very nice to them; some people gave them glares when they were holding hands in public, but they ignored them.

Soon the time came for Kageyama to head over to his own house to spend some time with his family before Hinata arrived to meet them. The morning before, Hinata's mom helped Kageyama pack his things and made a large breakfast for everyone before they piled into the car to get to the train station.

When they got there, everyone walked out with him to the platform. Around a couple of minutes before the train arrived, they said their goodbyes.

Hinata's mother hugged Kageyama tightly. " It was wonderful to meet you, hun; you were such a help around the house. Thank you, and you have to come back for summer vacation," she told him.

"Thank you for letting me stay," he replied, patting her on the back.

She released Kageyama, and he turned to Natsu, who stood there with her arms crossed.

"You aren't too shabby of a person," she grumbled.

"Shall we call a truce?" Kageyama asked, holding a hand out.

She shook his hand and smiled at him. Lastly, Kageyama turned to Hinata. He jumped and hugged Kageyama, his arms around Kageyama's neck and his legs around his waist.

"I'll see you again in four days, dumbass," Kageyama said.

"But I'll miss you," Hinata replied.

They could hear Natsu fake barfing and gagging in the background.

"Whatever," Kageyama said.

Hinata moved his face closer to Kageyama's. Kageyama closed the distance and kissed him. When they broke apart, the train had arrived, and Hinata hopped down to the ground. They gave each other one last peck on the lips before Kageyama got on the train. Everyone waved goodbye as the train pulled out of the station.

Kageyama pulled out his book from his bag and read. It wasn't a far ride to his house, but it was still quite a distance. He adjusted himself in the seat he was in until he was comfortable and opened his book.


When the train announced Kageyama's stop, he got off the train and looked around. He saw his sister waving at him from a couple of yards away. He walked over to where his older sister was, and she enveloped him in a tight hug.

"How's school? Make any new friends? Did you get a girlfriend?" she asked.

"Chill out, Miwa," he said, hugging her back.

She walked him over to her car while talking about everything that happened in town while he was gone. Kageyama lived in a large town where lots of people lived, and many came to visit. There were natural landscapes all around town to see, and it was even part of a national park in town.

Kageyama put his bag in the backseat of his sister's car before getting into the passenger seat. She got into the car, started it, and drove off in the direction of their parents home, where they were waiting to see both of their children.

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