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The next day, classes began. Even though his first class didn't start until 9, Hinata left at 7 to go on a run. When he got up, Yamaguchi was still asleep, so he left the dorm as quietly as possible.

He ran around campus for an hour before heading back to his dorm. When he got back, Yamaguchi was gone, and his bed was made. Hinata went and took a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a hoodie.

When he was ready, he realized that he still had an hour until he had to be to class. He sat on his bed and opened his laptop. He began watching one of his favorite volleyball matches, hoping to catch any good tips or skills for tryouts later today.

9 a.m. rolled around, and Hinata grabbed his backpack and sprinted out the door. He was going to be late to his first class, and on his way, he ran into someone. He fell to the ground and looked up. He saw Tsukishima's roommate standing there.

"Sorry," Hinata said.

He shot Hinata a glare and walked into the room. Hinata got up from the floor and brushed himself off before entering the room. The lecture room was huge, and there were students chatting with each other and the professor standing at the front of the room talking with other students.

Hinata made his way through the rows and sat down in an empty seat. He turned and saw that the guy he had run into earlier was sitting there. He quickly looked away and pretended like he didn't see him.


Kageyama woke up, and Tsukishima was still sound asleep. He went out and ran a couple of miles before coming back and getting ready for class. He still had a bit of time, so he laid on his bed. He picked up his volleyball and began setting it continuously, not really focusing on anything in particular.

Kageyama was looking forward to later that day. Volleyball tryouts. He had to be a setter on that team; he just had to. Volleyball was his life, and it meant everything to him. He was first inspired by a tape of a volleyball match his grandfather had given him, and they watched it together. His grandfather was a coach for a big volleyball team, and that is where his love and talent for volleyball came from.

The time for class came, and Kageyama had to leave. He grabbed his things for his class and left. He walked out of the dorm building and onto the campus, where he entered the sports building. He walked towards the lecture room where his class was. Suddenly, someone ran into him and fell to the ground. He saw it was the kid sitting with Tsukishima and his friend yesterday.

He apologized, but Kageyama just shot him a glare before walking into the classroom and taking a seat. Someone took a seat next to him, and he saw that it was that annoying orange-haired kid who had run into him.

Kageyama ignored him and waited for his class to start. He really didn't want to deal with him.

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