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Later that day, it was time for the volleyball tryouts. Kageyama changed into a plain shirt and shorts and went over to the court. When he got to the court, he saw the players who were trying out on one side of the court, and on the other side were the members of the team.

Kageyama saw Tsukishima, his friend, and the orange-haired kid. He ignored them and began stretching and warming up before picking up a volleyball and setting it to himself.

"Hey, Kageyama is it," Hinata said.

Kageyama turned around and saw the orange-haired boy.

"Yeah, who are you?"

"I am Hinata," he said, smiling. "Do you want to pepper a bit before tryouts start?"


Kageyama began by serving the ball lightly to Hinata. His reception of the ball was terrible, and the ball immediately bounced to the floor. Kageyama waited for him to get the ball to serve him. Hinata came back and served the ball to Kageyama, who received it perfectly. Hinata set the ball back to him shakily, and when Kageyama went to spike the ball, Hinata missed the receiver.

"God, you stink at receiving," Kageyama said to him.

"I know," Hinata replied," are you a setter?"


"Will you set the ball for me a couple of times?"

'"Why should I?" Kageyama said, turning away.

"Alright, can I have everyone line up here?" the captain said.

All the people trying out lined up facing the exiting team members.

"Hello, I am Diachi Sawamura, and I am the captain of the volleyball team. We currently do not have a coach because our previous coach retired a couple of years ago. We are in the process of looking for a coach, but we have had no luck. Anyway, since there are only four of you trying out, we are going to be playing a 2 vs. 2 game to assess your skills."

Tsukishima was paired with Yamaguchi, and Kageyama was paired with Hinata. They began the match with the rest of the current team watching. Kageyama scanned the team. Next to the captain was a relative tall dude with silver hair, and next to him was another person around the same height who had a shaved head. There was another shorter person next to him, who had mostly black hair, and lastly, next to him was a guy who was about as tall as Tsuishima and who was wearing his long brown hair in a man bun.

Kageyama turned his attention to the match, but he couldn't focus with his partner bouncing off the walls like a three-year-old.

"Can you just stand still?" he snapped at Hinata.

"Don't tell me what to do," Hinata snapped back.

Kageyama scoffed, then the whistle blew, and Yamaguchi served the ball. The ball went over to Hinata, who received it shakily, and Kageyama got under the ball and set it to Hinata, hoping that he would be able to spike it.

Surprisingly, Hinata jumped to a great height and spiked the ball with immense speed and force, which flew by Yamaguchi. Everyone in the gym stood there in awe.

"Woah, Shorties' got some talent," said the guy with the buzzed head.

"It looks like you're a bit more than you were cut out to be," Tsukishima smirked.

Kageyama took the ball and did a jump serve. They rallied a bit, until he set the ball to Hinata again, who spiked the ball that bounced on the other side of the court. Kageyama looked to Daichi, who seemed impressed with Hinata and his own performance.

After a while of Hinata spiking really well, Tsukishima caught on and began blocking the ball. With Tsukishima's height, it created a problem for Hinata. When the game was halfway through, they took a small break.

Kageyama sat down and took a large drink from his water bottle. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and rested his eyes closed. Kageyama was glad he was basically guaranteed a spot on the team with his own talent and the lack of people trying out for the team.

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