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The next morning was a weekend, and Hinata was glad he had no classes. He left his dorm later than usual to do his morning run. Afterwards, he went out to brunch with Yamaguchi and Yaichi. He had become good friends with the two over the past couple of weeks.

"What's up with you and Tsukishima?" Yaichi asked Yamaguchi.

Yamaguchi choked on his water, and Hinata chuckled.

"Don't laugh. There is obviously something with you and Kageyama."

Hinata paused. He hadn't noticed anything different between the two of them. They bickered like usual and always fought. Hinata just ate some more of his pancakes and ignored what Yaichi had said. It was probably just a joke.

"Fine, you two bug me enough. Me and Tsukki are dating, so what?" Yamaguchi blurted.

"I knew it!" Hinata said.

They laughed about it and changed the subject.


Kageyama slept that morning, and when he woke up, Tsukishima wasn't there. He didn't really care where he went. It was none of his business, anyway. He got up and got ready. Kageyama didn't have anything to do today. Maybe he would just walk. Him and his own thoughts.

He left his dorm and just walked around. While he was walking through the town, he ran into Hinata.

"Hey Kageyama, you want to go practice?" he asked egearly.

"Sure, moron, calm down," Kageyama said.

"Are you guys going to practice?" The two turned and saw Daichi with Sugawara.

"No," Kageyama quickly said, before Hinata could say anything.

Hinata looked at him, and Kageyama glared back before they both looked towards Daichi. He knew exactly what the two were up to.

"You two need to take a break; your physical skill with this isn't the only thing that matters when working together; spend some time together and get to know each other. So you develop a stronger quick attack," Daichi said.

Daichi and Sugawara walked away, leaving the other two just standing there.

"So, what do we do?" Hinata said.

"What do you want to do?" Kageyama asked.

"I guess let's just walk around," Hinata shrugged.

The two walked through the town, seeing many of the students together with friends or in couples. The two walked next to each other awkwardly, not knowing what to do. They've never talked about anything with each other except volleyball, and now they were forced to because they both knew after Daichi went and locked the gym that neither of them had a key.

"So..." Hinata said.

"What?" Kageyama relied

"Wanna race?"


"To the park."

"Alright, 3, 2, 1," and the two took off in the direction of the park.

They weaved through crowds of people and sprinted as fast as they could. Hinata was laughing again, and Kageyama felt just like before. This caused him to crack a smile.

"Oh? Did I make the stone-faced Kageyama smile?" Hinata asked, chuckling.

"Shut the fuck up, dumbass," Kageyama said.

Kageyama sped up his pace, and he made it to the park first. Hinata reached the park a couple of seconds after him. He bent over, panting.

"Ha, I win this one, loser," Kageyama smirked.

"Well, I'm still winning Crappyama," Hinata retored.

"We went over this; don't call me names."

Hinata took a step closer. "What are you going to do about it?"

They glared at each other, getting closer and closer. They stared into each other's eyes, and suddenly Hinata blushed, and Kageyama turned and looked the other way. They were both rather flustered, and they stood there in silence.

"Come on, I'm hungry," Kageyama said.

They walked to the convenience store.

"Hey you guys, been working on the quick attack?" their coach asked them.

"We need to bond apparently to make our quick attack better, according to Daichi, and he locked us out of the gym," Hinata said.

"Well, he's right."

They walked through the store, and Kageyama picked up some snacks and a carton of milk. They paid, then left. The two sat on the same bench in the park that they have always sat on, in silence. What was even happening?

I Win ~ KageHina  AUWhere stories live. Discover now