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Next, they went to a couple of stores and the local library, where Hinata spent his time with his friends and family. They got back on a bus and headed back to Hinata's neighborhood. When they got back, Natsu ran up to Hinata.

"Can you take me to the playground?" she said excitedly.

"Sure, we can take you," Hinata replied.

Natsu looked at Kageyama and narrowed her eyes at him. It was evident that she only wanted to spend time with her older brother.

"I don't want to go with him," Natsu said, pointing to Kageyama.

"Why not?"

"Because he is always with you, every minute of every day. I bet you spent all the time with him when you were away, so I would like some quality time with my older brother," she said, crossing her arms.

"Okay," Hinata said.

He looked at Kageyama apologetically before leaving with Natsu to head to the playground. Kageyama went up to Hinata's room to go call his mom, read a book, or maybe even do some of his school work.

Meanwhile, Hinata and Natsu walked to the nearby playground in silence.

"Aren't you a little old to go to the playground?" Hinata said.

"I am meeting friends there, and mom said that I can't walk by myself," she replied.

"I hate to sound like this, but you're growing up. You are not the same little girl from a couple of years ago, and I am going to get used to that," Hinata said.

"Ew, you sound so stereotypical," Natsu laughed, and she shoved her brother lightly.

They laughed and continued to walk to the playground. When they got there, Natsu ran off to hang out with her friends. Hinata sat on a swing by himself, moving back and forth slowly. He watched as his little sister played and talked with her friends on the playground. They played for a couple of hours before mothers started calling for their kids.

Natsu jogged back over to where Hinata was sitting.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

She nodded, and he stood up.

"Why do you dislike Tobio so much?" Hinata asked her.

"First, he is unapproachable and kind of scary; also, he just gives me bad vibes," she said.

"That's only because I'm dating him; I get that you're grossed out by that fact. I dread the day that you will get a boyfriend or girlfriend; it sends shivers down my spine," Hinata replied.

The conversation ended, and they changed the subject. They got back to the house and found Kageyama in the kitchen, cooking.

"He cooks?" Natsu said, " Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I didn't know," Hinata said honestly.

The two left the kitchen to let Kageyama cook in peace. They went into the living room, where their mother was sitting and watching a show.

"I thought you were working?" Hinata asked.

"I'm working from home for this month so I can spend as much time as I can with my little man," she said, standing up and hugging him tightly.

"Thanks, mom," he said, hugging her back.

"Oh, by the way, there is a reunion Friday night for your school; you can bring Kageyama with you," she said.

He sat down with his mother and watched the show she was watching, and Natsu headed upstairs to shower before dinner was ready. Everyone seemed to be comfortable and settled. It seemed like Kageyama had been there forever.


a/n: I am going on vacation and might not be able to update every day, so yeah.

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