(57) First Love Never Dies

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THE DAY I HAVE been waiting for finally came

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THE DAY I HAVE been waiting for finally came. The class of 2023-2024 is graduating. After a year of grinding and sleepless nights, their hard work finally paid off. They get to walk on stage, get that diploma, and start a life that is beyond the four corners of a classroom.

Of course, I'm not the one graduating. The seniors are. But I'm moving up and becoming a second-year college student, which still feels strange because it felt like yesterday when I was waking up early to start my first day in school. Yet here I am now, ending a year that made me realize a lot of things about myself, my life, and my future.

Now you might be wondering, what on earth am I doing here when I'm not even graduating myself? Well, the reason for that is because someone I have been eager to see finally came back from the States last night. I haven't seen him yet, but the way my heart was pounding just confirmed that I was as nervous as I was when I first realized that I was in love with someone I thought I could never have.

"Dom!" Someone calls out while I grip the bouquet of sunflowers in my hand.

I turn around and find Diane Montecastro walking toward me, wearing her graduation toga and cap. She smiles in my direction, and then I open my arms wide to give her a hug.

"Congratulations, Diane," I tell her.

After pulling away from the hug, Diane looks at my face and says, "I'd like to be delusional and think that those flowers are for me, but I'm sure you're giving it to someone else."

"I saw a bunch of guys handing you flowers earlier. I think you'll be fine," I tell her, and Diane rolls her eyes before smiling at me again.

"So he's back?" Diane then asks, referring to the person I'm going to give these flowers to.

"I heard he is. Art texted me and told me that he was heading here with his parents. I don't know where exactly he is yet, though," I explain, making Diane chuckle.

"Then message him back and ask him yourself. I'm sure he's been waiting too."

"Nah. It's better if I see him personally instead," I simply answer, and Diane just shrugs her shoulder, no longer pushing me to contact Aries first so I wouldn't have to wait for him like this. "Anyway, I can't believe the queen of Tourism is going to leave her beloved department. You're going to break a lot of hearts once you leave."

"They'll survive," Diane jokingly answers, making both of us laugh. Afterward, Diane reaches out to squeeze my shoulder. She had this look on her face that made me smile warmly at her. I never thought that I'd ever be close to someone like Diane, let alone Aries's ex-girlfriend. But I guess our paths crossing was meant to be.

Diane is the perfect example of someone who just wants to be in love, but things don't always work out. And despite how beautiful or desirable others might think you are, no one is immune to heartbreaks. I know she wouldn't want this, but for her sake, I'll protect the love she decided to let go of and make sure her heartbreak wasn't in vain.

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