(4) First-World Problems

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"I AM ROMEL GOMEZ, your professor for this History Class

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"I AM ROMEL GOMEZ, your professor for this History Class. I know that this is just a minor subject, and I am very much aware that most of you won't take this course seriously, but I do, which means I can fail those who are not willing to learn and participate," Professor Gomez explains to the class, and I could tell that most of them were starting to feel the pressure.

"I'm going to fail this subject so badly," Justin whispers while playing with his pen.

"Why do you always have to be so negative?" Vicki complains, and Justin sticks his tongue out to her, almost making Vicki hit him with a notebook. Thankfully Arthur is sitting between them, so he acts as a mediator.

"Alright, bring out a 1/4 index card and write your name and major. I'll give you five minutes. Next week, I want you to prepare a 1x1 photo so you can attach it to the card," Professor Gomez explains right after, making the entire class moan in frustration.

"No more complaining. We'll have a recitation later so I'd know what you were able to learn in high school," he tells us next, and the frustrated moans get louder.

"He's a monster. A literal monster," I whisper as I grab my pen from my bag. "You guys got any index cards?" I then asked since the only thing in my bag was a single pen, a filler notebook, and an umbrella.

Arthur, thankfully has those fancy color-assorted ones, so he hands me a blue card. After writing our names and majors, Professor Gomez collected the cards and started shuffling them.

The class was completely quiet, and I could tell that everyone was praying not to get called. Why are we even having a recitation on the first day? Usually, we just read through the syllabus and end the class right after, or the professor would talk about their lives, and the students would pretend to be interested.

"Don't worry. I'm only going to ask basic questions that every one of you should be aware of," Professor Gomez says while shuffling the index cards.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as sweat streamed down the side of my forehead. Professor Gomez continues to shuffle the cards, and after a few more agonizing seconds, he pulls out a blue index card, instantly making my heart drop.

"Since my favorite color is blue, we'll choose this one," Professor Gomez says, making Justin, Vicki, and even Arthur hide their faces so they wouldn't get caught laughing while my other classmates sighed in relief.

"Let's see. Our lucky student is... Mister Domingo Adlawan."

"For fuck's sake."

"Alright, Mr. Adlawan, please stand."

Justin encouraged me to stand while I awkwardly scratched the back of my head. I then looked at Professor Gomez—wearing a suit that made him look even more intimidating—and smiled at him so he wouldn't give me something hard.

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