(55) My Universe

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"I DON'T WANT TO stir up drama, but my friend—the senior who got partnered with her, had a huge crush on her back in the day

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"I DON'T WANT TO stir up drama, but my friend—the senior who got partnered with her, had a huge crush on her back in the day. Of course, they're married now too, but it's just strange to have her son in my class now," I remembered Professor Gomez telling me before, and I couldn't help but let a shiver run down my spine at the realization.

My mom and Aries's aunt knew each other in the past. But what's more shocking is that Aunt Venus had a crush on Mama all this time. She had a freakin' crush on her!

Seems like the Buan family has a type.

"I can't believe it. You're my mom's previous senior partner," I say, making Aunt Venus chuckle.

"That's why I got surprised when I heard your surname. I knew her as Yade Marquez, but then I remembered how she invited me to her wedding. I couldn't go because I was already working in the States at that time, but I'm glad to have met her son after all those years," she explains, instantly making me smile even wider.

I don't know why, but something about this made my heart feel warm. I feel like Aunt Venus is a part of my family history now. A person who I may as well consider family.

"You know, I actually confessed to her during my graduation," she then reveals, surprising me even more. "She obviously rejected me, but she told me the sweetest thing before we officially parted, and I remember it to this day."

"She did?"

Aunt Venus pauses and takes a step closer to me. And then she grabs me by the shoulder and says, "She told me, 'One day, you'll find someone who will show you the beauty of the universe.'"

As soon as I heard what Mama once told her in the past, my eyes instantly became teary. She really is my mother. She knows how to say flowery words to people too. Looks like I learned a lot of things from her without me even noticing.

"Thank you for telling me. I hope one day you and Mama can meet again," I say, and Aunt Venus smiles and nods her head in agreement.

"I hope so too," she replies, and then Aries finally walks towards us while drying his hair with a towel.

"Are you two talking about Mama Yade?" Aries suddenly asks as he approaches me, instantly making me look at him with shock because I didn't expect him to know about this too.

"W-Wait, you knew about it all this time?" I ask.

"I'll leave you two be," Aunt Venus then says as she heads her way to her bedroom, closing the door so she can give us the privacy we need.

Aries chuckles at my shocked expression and walks his way to the balcony. I followed behind him, and the two of us stood there, staring at the view of the city. After keeping his silence for a while, Aries takes a deep breath and finally says, "Remember the time we visited Mama at the hospital? When we met Sed? That's when she told me about my aunt. She told me to keep it a secret from you for a while, but she kinda gave me the strength to finally confess to you, too, after I heard her story."

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