(2) 'A' as in Apple

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THE CAFETERIA WAS A literal jungle

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THE CAFETERIA WAS A literal jungle. Students from all majors gathered in one area, greeting new and old friends after that long and hot summer break. Vicki, Justin, and I went here right after the freshman orientation, but we weren't expecting the overwhelming crowd.

"I didn't expect that the Education Program would have so many students," Justin says as we went in line to grab our lunch, holding onto trays that looked as old as the school.

"Well, this is the school that specializes in teaching after all," Vicki then says, which was true. Librada University, or what the students call LU, is a 70-year-old university that trains the best teachers in the country. This is where my mom graduated too, which is why I chose to study here.

"Anyway, I'm so jealous of you, Dom. I can't believe you got President Aries to be your senior partner. That's like the grand prize," Vicki says, making Justin chuckle.

"Please don't refer to him like he's an object."

"That's such an English major thing to say," Justin fires back at me, making Vicki laugh since she was an English major herself.

"But I am glad that I got to have a senior who's in the same major as I am. She's handling two other freshmen, but that's fine too," Vicki then says.

"I got a math major, but I guess that's okay. In our first semester, most of our classes are all minor subjects anyway. Having the seniors can help us a lot regardless of their major since they're already familiar with the professors," Justin shares right after, and Vicki and I nod our heads in agreement.

The three of us finally arrived in front of the stall. After picking the food we liked and then paying for it, we looked around the cafeteria to find a seat. It's funny because the setting was similar to when I was still in senior high. The students had assigned tables, so the new kids had to fumble about.

While we were still looking around, we suddenly spotted this other guy who was eating alone at an empty table. The three of us looked at each other, and then we nodded our heads and approached him like we were on a mission. When we got there, Justin pushed Vicki and encouraged her to speak to him, but Vicki was acting like a virgin, so I had to walk up to him instead.

"Hi, you're a freshman too, right? Can we sit with you?" I ask with a smile, and the man looks at us before nodding his head.

The three of us immediately placed our trays on the table and took a seat. Vicki and Justin had to fight for the seat beside me, and it looked like Justin won, so Vicki had to sit beside the new guy.

"My name's Dom," I say first before gesturing at the two who were glaring at each other. "The girl beside you is Vicki, and this guy over here is Justin."

"Nice to meet you," Vicki says, finally having the courage to speak to him, while Justin just nods his head.

"I'm Arthur. It's nice to meet you too," he says back, and the three of us smile, glad he was willing to talk to us.

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