(41) It Doesn't Matter

978 147 47

"I'LL GIVE YOU AN answer, but first, let me start from the very beginning

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"I'LL GIVE YOU AN answer, but first, let me start from the very beginning. And when I say beginning, I mean Blaine de la Cruz, my previous senior partner. We briefly talked about him a while back, but I guess you're right. I think it's time I talk about him."

"But you don't have to."

"But I want to," Aries answers back, so I nod my head and let him speak.

"When I was in high school, I was the typical quiet honor student who didn't have any real friends. I was too introverted to hang out with the girls and too gay to hang out with the guys. That's why when I got into college, I swore to myself that I'll try opening up to people," Aries explains as I continue staring at him.

"During the freshmen orientation, I was late, and I stumbled upon Blaine de la Cruz, who was the council president at that time. He was the complete opposite of me. Straight-forward, confident, and knows how to handle people. That's why I got so shocked when he became my senior partner," Aries then explains further.

I don't know why, but that encounter was almost similar to mine when I first met Aries. Was fate playing with us at that time? Was that the reason why Aries looked so hurt when I got partnered with him?

"Blaine was kind, and he helped me adjust to college life. Apart from that, he made me confident. He taught me how to speak my mind and to be honest with myself. He treated me well, so it was only natural that I fell in love with him. The problem was, I knew he was straight, so I never made a move. My friendship with him was way more important than anything else.

Blaine eventually graduated, and I had to move on. We were still friends, but after he left, I changed and just became a mess. I went to bars, I partied almost every night, and then, I met another guy. I thought he was the perfect person who would help me forget about Blaine. He showered me with his passionate love and told me he liked me almost every day, but when he realized that I didn't love him enough to come out to my family and to the rest of the world, he told me I was selfish and left," Aries shares, the information catching me off guard because I didn't know he experienced such a thing.

Now I know why he was so careful with me and even apologized when we had that conversation last time. Now I understand why he was hesitant about our relationship before.

"After another heartbreak, I gave up and just fucked around. I met guys at bars who didn't want any strings attached. I had sex with them and then never talked to them again right after," Aries reveals next before looking back at me, almost like he's checking my reaction.

When he realizes that I kept my expression neutral, he looks away from me again and continues, "Eventually, my father was starting to get skeptical, so that's where Diane came in. I knew she liked me, and I never really gave it any thought. But when she confessed to me again, I told her that we'll try it out, and that's how things came to be."

"Why did you break up with her then?" I ask next.

Aries takes another deep breath and stares at the moon before answering, "It was during Blaine's wedding."

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