(46) Let's Be Honest

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AFTER RUNNING A MILE, Aries and I arrived at a park just in front of a church

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AFTER RUNNING A MILE, Aries and I arrived at a park just in front of a church. We were panting heavily, holding onto our hands and our chests as we tried catching our breaths.

"A-Aries, I fucked up," I told him. "I should have kept my cool, but I just blew things out of proportion. Now things are in a bigger mess," I continued to say as he let go of my hand. The video that was posted last time already created such a buzz. Now the stunt I made would definitely be the talk of the entire university.

"What do we do?"

I looked up at Aries to check on his reaction, but as soon as our eyes met, Aries started laughing. "'Aries is mine!' You seriously just shouted that in front of everyone," he said while laughing his pants off. I don't know if he's mocking me or if he really thought the whole situation was funny.


"That is the most romantic and the hottest thing someone has ever done for me. I thought I was in a movie," Aries then stated, making me furrow my brows in confusion before slowly clenching my fist.

"Aries, you seriously think this is funny?" I seriously told him, and Aries finally stopped laughing. "A grown-ass man was trying to fucking kidnap you, and the first thing you think about is that?" I then scolded, instantly making Aries look down in shame.

"Dom, I'm sorry," Aries apologized.

I took a deep breath and massaged my temple to calm down. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be getting mad at you for this. We should call the cops first so this doesn't happen again," I then said as I pulled my phone out from my pocket, but Aries immediately stopped me.

"We don't need to get the cops involved," Aries insisted.

"Why? That asshole might come to our school again, and we don't know if—"

"I called him," Aries suddenly revealed. "I called him and asked him to meet with me," Aries then explained further, and everything around me just completely stopped. I felt betrayed. And in that moment, I felt like a devil slapped me on the face, telling me that Iñigo was right. Aries was gonna come back to him eventually.

"The other day, when I picked you up from the bar, I saw the look on your face, and I just knew that Deric said something to you that made you look so troubled. That's why I called him, so I can tell him to leave you alone."

"Why would you—"

"But I asked him to go to our campus so Jesse could accompany me, and there would be a lot of witnesses too, but I didn't know he'd force me to come with him. I thought we were just gonna talk," Aries tried explaining.

"Aries! What were you thinking?! I already told you that if ends up meeting up with you, you should call me, but you end up calling him instead?! What if we didn't arrive in time and he actually forced you in his car? What would have happened then?!"

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