(26) Promised Kiss [m]

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"YOU'RE RIGHT. I'LL HAVE it all, just like you said. I'll have that scholarship, I'll help mama have a better life...and I'll have the boy that I stupidly like take me seriously and admit he likes me too. So watch over me carefully, Aries Buan. The universe may be vast, but our stars are aligned for a reason. And I will have everything by the time this is over. I swear it to the moon and back."

Those were the words that I told Aries yesterday, which was such a bold statement, in my opinion, but I believe that if you scream your desires to the universe, they will eventually come true.

Aries didn't say anything after I said all that, and that's probably to save us both from the embarrassment of talking about it further. Honestly, his silence was better. It's better because he didn't contradict it, so it's safe to assume that he's not going to stop me from properly pursuing him. And that's better than nothing.

"You'll have your photoshoot on Tuesday next week, and they'll post those photos on Wednesday. The pageant heavily relies on popularity, so we need you to be out there. People need to see you, and that's exactly what we're gonna do," Aries explains the next day, the two of us staying in an empty classroom that he asked permission to use privately.

Perks of being a student council president, I guess.

"We need people to know your name, so this is what we're going to do," Aries explains further as he starts writing something down on the whiteboard like a real teacher. 

I stared at him as he wrote down the words Public Exposure 101.

"Tomorrow, the student council will be hosting a fundraising event. We'll be selling goods on campus, goods that were made by the women in the Correction Institute for Women in the city. All the sales we get here will be given to them. This is the perfect opportunity for other students to see you," Aries says, almost making me chuckle.

"This sounds like something a politician would do. Not gonna lie."

"And that's the reason why they win."

"That's kinda dark if you think about it."

"Let's not make unnecessary analysis here," Aries then says with an annoyed expression, so I just sighed and wrote all the details down in my notebook.

"This isn't just about the pageant, okay? Joining in these events can help you get that scholarship. The midterm exams will start on November 13, and the new batch of students who will get the scholarships will be announced on November 10, so you only have 2 weeks left to do well," Aries says while writing the dates down on the board.

"I only submitted my application yesterday. Do you seriously believe I'll still get this scholarship like everyone else?" I ask, and Aries looks back at me with so much dedication in his eyes that all I can do is believe him.

"Anyway, going back to the pageant," Aries says as he starts writing something down on the board again.


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