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"DOMINGO M. ADLAWAN...IS the only man I will ever truly love in this lifetime," Aries declared with such determination that a tear slowly streamed down my eyes as soon as I heard it.

I never expected Aries to say such a thing to Iñigo, or to anyone, for that matter. His words struck me like lightning. I felt my heart stop as the words echoed in my ears, like I finally heard the voice that had been desperately shouting at me from afar.

He loves me...

Aries Buan, the one I have always gazed upon since my eyes fell on him, said that he loves me.

"I've said everything that I wanted to say. I hope that's clear enough for you now," Aries said as he turned around and walked away, pulling my hand so I could go with him. "Gelo, let's go," he then added, and Gelo looked at Iñigo for one last time before finally following us out.

I wasn't really able to see Iñigo's reaction, but his silence said a lot. He didn't even stop us when we left him on the rooftop. I actually also wanted to say a few things to him, but I didn't want to add any more fuel to the fire, and I also didn't want to steal this moment from Aries. Whatever I was about to say shouldn't matter anymore. What's important now is that Aries spoke his truth.

"You think that was okay?" Aries asked when we arrived at the parking lot.

"You killed it," Gelo answered, reaching out to pat his shoulder.

"Then we should head back before he starts chasing us again," Aries then said, but before he could go inside his car, Gelo stopped him.

"You two can go ahead. I'll stay here for a while and just ride a jeepney home. I think it's best if you guys talk about...your feelings...privately," Gelo stated, surprising Aries and me.

"Are you sure?" Aries asked him, and Gelo nodded his head in reply.

"Then thank you for coming, Angelo. I felt a lot more relieved since you were there," Aries stated before moving close so he could give Gelo a hug. Gelo was obviously surprised since he's not a hugger, but he smiled and embraced Aries anyway before reaching out to pat my shoulder.

I smiled at him as well as a sign of gratitude. And then Aries and I finally got to the car. After waving goodbye, Aries drove off, and the two of us said nothing.

My heart was just beating fast, and I could tell that Aries felt the same. What do you say after your boyfriend tells you that he loves you for the first time? Do you say it back now? Do you open up a different topic and wait for the perfect moment to say it as well? How do you even say 'I love you' to someone? I've always thought about it before, but now that we're here, I never really picture myself actually saying it out loud.



The two of us called out to each other at the same time in an attempt to break the silence.

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