(31) Fulfilled Promise [m]

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"HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN President Aries?" I asked a group of students from my department who were waiting outside the auditorium

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"HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN President Aries?" I asked a group of students from my department who were waiting outside the auditorium. Three of them congratulated me first for winning the pageant, while the other one told me that they saw him heading to the parking lot right after the winners were announced.

With a crown on my head, a sash hanging around my neck, and a bouquet of flowers in my hand, I ran to the parking lot like a runaway groom, hoping to catch a man I made a promise with.

"I can't believe he just ran off as soon as the winner was announced," I complained to myself as I continued running down the stairs to exit the building.

When I got to the parking lot, I went straight to the slot where Aries usually parks his car. I checked each car like some kind of stalker, but as soon as I saw the plate number of a familiar car that I have gotten on a dozen times now, a smile automatically appeared on my face.

"He's still here!" I celebrated, running closer.

When I got to the car, my heart practically dropped when I saw Aries standing right there. He opened the door and was about to go in, but I immediately got to him, shutting the door so he wouldn't be able to get inside.

"Jesus!" He shouted in shock, looking at me like he saw a ghost.

"Where on earth are you going? I can't believe you were going to escape again," I told him, and Aries sighed and looked at me from head to toe before giving me an explanation.

"You were taking pictures with your friends, and you have a party to go to after, right? I didn't want to stand in the way," he answered, and I didn't know if I was supposed to get mad at him for that or not.

"Well, that's the thing, I was hoping to go to the party with you. After all, you're the one who helped me win this thing," I said.

I was expecting Aries to get annoyed or even decline the offer like how he always does, but surprisingly enough, he didn't. He just sighed and eventually nodded his head.

"Fine, let me drive you there."

A smile quickly appeared on my face as I rushed to the passenger's seat, putting the bouquet and my winning sash on the back so it wouldn't bother us. Aries couldn't say anything anymore as he got inside the car too. And when the two of us were inside together, he looked at me and stared at the crown on my head.

"I won," I told him.

"I won for you" were the true words I wanted to tell him, but I knew that Aries wouldn't like that. He wanted me to win that pageant for me and for my mother, and that trait of his always made me fall deeper for him.

"I did good, didn't I?"

Aries continued to stare at me, and the silence in the car suddenly made my heart beat even louder. I couldn't say anything anymore as Aries decided to remain silent. But after a while, he lifted his hand and reached out to me. For a second, I thought he was gonna touch me, but then he reached out to remove my crown instead.

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