(42) Sun & Moon [m]

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"SED TOLD ME HE finally ended things with Greg

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"SED TOLD ME HE finally ended things with Greg. He said that Greg couldn't break it off with his wife, so he knew then and there that their relationship wasn't going to last. To be honest, I already knew how the outcome would be. The woman who cheated with my father also told him to break it off with Mama, but Papa wasn't man enough for that," I explained while washing the dishes.

Aries, who was busy wiping the table, turned to me and said, "Where did your dad even meet this woman?"

"Papa was a construction worker, and the woman worked at a karenderya (a food stall beside the road). Mama found out about their relationship because Papa was starting to come home late every night, and when she secretly checked his phone, he saw their messages to each other," I explained, the memory so vivid I could almost see it.

"What did Aunty Yade do after that?"

"My mom's not the confrontational type. She talked to my dad in a calm manner and told him that she knew about the affair. Papa cried and told her that it was just a mistake, you know, guys' usual response, and then begged Mama to forgive him. As the kind-hearted woman that she is, Mama forgave him and gave him a second chance. But after that, Mama was never the same, and I don't blame her for it," I explained further as I finally turned the faucet off.

I dried my hand with a cloth and turned around to check on Aries, who was also finished cleaning the table.

"Should I pop the balloons?" Aries then asked as he walked towards the living room where the decorations were found.

"Just leave it be. You said that we're gonna sleep here tonight, right? Then let's just clean up tomorrow," I answered, and Aries nodded his head in understanding.

"By the way, since we were already on the topic, where did you meet Sed again?" Aries suddenly asked, the question catching me off guard because it had never crossed my mind that Aries would ever ask me about that.

"W-Well, if it's already not obvious, Sed was a regular customer of mine back at the Red Light. Are you uncomfortable with that? Do you want me to stop working at the bar?" I then asked, and Aries chuckled and approached me to brush my hair back.

"Don't be ridiculous. Don't use me as a reason for you to quit your job. It's obvious that you like the people working there," Aries explained, making me smile. "But of course, if there is something that would make me uncomfortable, that would be you getting billed out. If you can, can you decline it from now on? If you're horny, just call me, and I'll suck you off," Aries then answered so casually that it made me embarrassed instead.

Aries laughed at my reaction and moved away from me, but as he was about to walk away, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me to give him a kiss on his lips.

"And how on earth did you know about Billing Out? Have you billed someone out before?" I then asked, and Aries's flustered expression instantly placed a grin on my face.

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