Part 44

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

After Classes

I didn't go to lunch with Jimin. To be honest I'm really not mad anymore. He said he was gonna buy me another foundation, and he apologized for pushing me like that.

I'm just dragging it out to make him mad. Cause he doesn't hide the look on his face when he feels miserable.

"Are you gonna leave me to fend for myself at the meeting?" Jimin said following far behind me.

"Yup." I said pretending like I was walking up to the dorms. And he ran up behind me grabbing my waist and turning me around to face him.

"Please. Please. I'm sorry." He said looking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on." I said walking past him going to his car.

We got in and I was texting Manura finally telling her what happened.

manura🩷: ur actually too petty...

dream🫧: ur literally supposed to be on my side😒

manura🩷: bitch imma be honest wit u
manura🩷: just like u always honest wit me
manura🩷: i think u was lowkey wrong from jump...😬

dream🫧: *GASP*🫢

manura🩷: before yall even started arguing he said he would buy u another bottle and u was still bitching

dream🫧: omggggggggggg
dream🫧: so i gotta apologize?

manura🩷: if its supposed to be fair. then yes

dream🫧: ill do it later. imma drag it more😁

manura🩷: SICK🤦🏽‍♀️

I put my phone down and just looked out the window not acknowledging Jimin.

"So you're not gonna help me in the room?" Jimin asked.

"Nope." I said with a straight face and he rolled his eyes.

When we got in there he got the papers and opened my door for me. And held my hand as I walked up the stairs.

We went upstairs and up to second to top floor where the conference room was. And we went inside and sat down. And everyone was still coming in so it might be a minute as it always is.

Jimin was sitting and looking over all the papers and someone came in the room. And when I looked up it was Tora. I sat up a little and she smirked at me and sat down with Jimin's parents.

Tora POV

When I sat down I was watching Jimin and Dream.

Their body language was not like it always is. They are normally right under the each other. If their arms aren't touching, their legs are. If their legs and arms aren't touching, they're literally making out.

Like they're always all on each other. I wonder what happened.

Some time went by and the meeting started and I saw when Jimin had to speak. He was doing everything himself. Mr. Park told me Dream always helps Jimin speak. And just tells him what to say.

I wonder why she's not helping today.

When Jimin was asked about the numbers it was clear he didn't really understand them completely. And he was stumbling on words. Jimin's dad is gonna take this as Jimin is unprepared and seeing Dream not help. Jimin is definitely losing this bet and I am taking him away from her.

Dream POV

When Jimin got asked about the numbers he started fucking up. And looking at the smug look on Tora's face. And the "i told you so" look on Mr. Park's face.

I already knew I had to step in. Before he could stumble some more I motioned him to come closer to me. And I whispered in his ear telling him what to say. And I pointed to certain spots so he could know.

And he pitched the idea correctly.

"And with all the money that is going to be made. We planned on putting some to the side." Jimin said.

"And Jimin had an idea that the money to the side would be donated to a charity to help, and for publicity purposes." I said just now adding that in to make Jimin look better. And Jimin let out a big breath.

"Thank you." Jimin said in my ear and I rested my hand on his leg and kissed his cheek.

The look on Tora and his dad faces were now wiped off. I know they didn't think they were gonna have a one up on my man.

The meeting was finished and of course everyone loved the idea me and Jimin came up with. So Jimin got his paycheck for that but didn't open it yet. He thought it would be fun to wait till we got to his house to open and see how much money he got.

"I'm going to the bathroom Jimin." I said and he nodded letting me go.

Jimin POV

I was organizing the papers to pick them up with Tora came close to me and I backed up.

"Oh don't do that Jimin. Yours parents already believe we belong together." Tora said.

"No. My dad believes we belong together. My mother doesn't know you. And my dad just doesn't want me with Dream." I said.

"I saw how she not helping you with your idea." She said.

"It was actually HER idea. And she's just upset at me because I did some fuck shit." I said shaking my head.

"You deserve a woman who doesn't get mad at you. Who will always stick by your side." She said getting close to me again and I tried backing up from her but there was a chair right behind me and I thought I would fall over. So now she's right in my face.

"Tora back the fuck up." I said.

"We should get used to being this close anyway." She said touching my shirt. Before I could move her arm out of the corner of my eye I saw Dream standing in the doorway.

"Just when I was about to apologize. What a fucking joke you are." Dream said laughing and turning around walking away.

I immediately pushed Tora hard making her fall down and ran around the table going after Dream.

This is like the fourth time today I've had to run after her. How many times a day am I gonna fuck up?

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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