Part 42

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

When the elevator dinged we got off and Jimin held my hand as I just followed behind him.

We went into a big conference room with a long circle table and Jimin opened my chair for me letting me sit down. And he sat next to me.

Everyone started to pile into the room and I got papers and a pen. And I straightened Jimin's clothes before his parents came in.

The meeting started and I could tell Jimin was uninterested. But I tightened him up and took notes to everything that sounded important.

They started talking about numbers really fast so I was writing them all down and doing math on the papers and in my head.

"But we don't know how much is being taken out?" A man said and I was quickly doing the calculations for it. And Jimin looked at my paper because I was writing so damn fast.

"Here." I said showing Jimin the paper.

"$25,000 is being taken out a week." Jimin said and they all looked at each other and one started doing the math.

"That cannot be—"

"That's right. $25,000. Thank you Jimin." The man said interrupting Jimin's dad and I slightly smirked proudly.

"How did you—"

"Don't interrupt the meeting Mr. Park." I said folding my hands on the table and he looked upset.

After The Meeting

Me and Jimin got up and I was holding half the papers while Jimin was holding the other half.

"No no no Jimin. These papers are the salaries for each job. These are all the employees in the building. You gotta get better at knowing the pay roll baby." I said showing Jimin the papers.

"Underline it." He said and I got my pen out of my side purse and pressed the paper against the wall pointing and underlining for him.

"But it seems like too much money is being taken out and eventually the company will be bringing in nothing for themselves. The whole point of the meeting was to start firing. We have way too many employees. We fire some employees and when we're making out proper money back. We hire them again, but carefully. Now I'm tryna figure out who's dumb ass idea it was to hire all these people." I said rolling my eyes still undermining stuff on the papers.

"That dumb ass idea would me mines." Mr. Park said.

"Why?" I asked.

"We thought it would be better for the companies image hire a lot of people and give jobs." He said.

"Okay but 6 months later into that idea you are losing money 5 times more and now you'll have to either let money be taken out until eventually there is none left or abruptly take away the jobs from the people you just gave them to. Either or would be terrible for the companies "image"." I said and he store at me in my eyes and I store right back.

"And how do you guys plan on fixing this problem and earning back the money that was lost. While keeping a good image on the company." He said.

"Don't worry about it. Just know it's gonna get done." I said clicking the button for the elevator.

"Do you think you can win this bet?...what was your name again." Mr. Park said.

"It's not my bet. It's you and Jimin's bet. But I do think I can definitely assist him greatly in winning this bet. And my name is Dream. Don't forget this time cause I'm not gonna waste time repeating it. I'm just gonna start "forgetting" your name too." I said getting on the elevator with Jimin and the doors closed and Jimin looked at me.

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