Part 39

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

When we got to the house bitchhhhh. It was like 2-3 houses combined into one. It actually took a full 2 minutes to get around the house.

Jimin drove up to the gate and me, Neisha, Lanaee, and Manura were all looking out the windows just mesmerized by this house. It's HUGE.

Jimin rolled down his window and put the code in and the big white gates opened. And across the gate said "PARK". Like how rich are yall????

We went through the gates and went up to the little room where the security guard was.

"You can go Jimin." The security guard said lifting the gate and Jimin drove through.

"Damn a gate with a code and a guard with another gate? They got opps?" Neisha said making us all laugh.

We drove up and the front of the door was like one of those circle driveways.

But Jimin went around the back and parked in front of the garage door and took off his seatbelt.

"Imma keep it a BUCK. I do not wanna go in." I said shaking my head laughing and Jimin looked at me.

"Why not?" Jimin asked.

"Cause. Your dad already don't like me. And I know how smart my mouth can be. I don't wanna be disrespectful and say something I cannot take back. I don't wanna disrespect you, your dad, or their house. Do not." I said shaking my head.

"Dream. You don't even have to do that. You're not gonna disrespect me. Be yourself. If you feel like someone is saying something you don't like. Just look at me. I'll handle it baby." Jimin said kissing my hand and I took a deep breath.

"Alright. I'm going for moral support. But come on Jimin." I said taking my seatbelt off.

"Can we get out the car and walk around?" Lanaee asked making me just shake my head.

"Yeah. Just don't go in the actual backyard part. Stay around here." Jimin said unlocking the door.

Me and Jimin got out of the car and I took his hand and we walked up to the door. And Jimin opened the door.

"Mama! Papa!" Jimin called for them.

"We're in here Jimin." I heard his mother say from the dining room. I looked at Jimin nervously and he kissed me.

"Calm down." He said as we started walking over there.

We went over to the dining room and they were both sitting there. And I saw another person sitting next to Jimin's mom. Who looked like Jimin. Except his facial features were softer. As Jimin's are more prominent.

"You guys can sit." His mom said. And Jimin pulled out my chair and let me sit. And he sat next to me.

"So what are we talking about?" Jimin asked and I just sat there looking around the room. I barely had time to take in the environment.

All I can think of is if this goes bad and they say something I don't like. Because y'all know I'm very sweet and nice. But when I feel disrespected or when I feel like someone is trying me? That's a different person. And I don't wanna do that on Jimin's parents because those are his parents.

"Why your "girlfriend" was being disrespectful last night. Walking up to me like that was completely unacceptable." Jimin's dad said in a firm voice and I raised my eyebrows.

Disrespectful? I do not recall saying anything disrespectful or acting a ass. The way I could have.

"Why did you put finger quotes over girlfriend. She is my girlfriend." Jimin said.

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