Part 13

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

When we got to the restaurant it really was some big ass fancy restaurant. He got out the car and opened my door for me and held my hand as I stepped out.

"You look so beautiful Dream. Oh my God." Jimin said watching me as I stepped out the car and I laughed.

"Thank you Jimin." I said.

"Kiss please. Please. I would beg if you wanted me to." He said making me laugh again.

"Kiss me Jimin." I said and he kissed me but softly. And we looked at each other.

Jimin POV

I am starting to fall in love with her eyes. She always keeps that eye contact right after we kiss and I love it.

I took her hand and walked her to the door and opened it for her. We went up to the stand and I told them my name and the hostess led us to our table. Which was off to the corner where it was a little dark because I know Dream doesn't like much attention.

I pulled out her seat for her and sat down across from her. And looked at our menu's.

"Whatchu getting?" Dream asked.

"I think I'mma get something calm." I said and she looked at me already knowing what I was about to say.

"Chicken tenders. You are such a child." She said making me laugh.

"You get mozzerella sticks and wings with buffalo sauce and blue cheese everywhere we go. I don't wanna hear it." I said shaking my head making her laugh.

"Okay but you know the sticks are good as fuck. So don't even start with me." She said rolling her eyes and the waiter came.

I HATE HATE when other men come around her. I'm not like a crazily jealous person, but I'm a man too. I see the way other men look at her and it drives me crazy.

She's not mine but she's mine. I don't want anyone trying to show her better or trying to take her away from me.

I could tell he was sneaking glances at her but trying to control himself.

"So what will you be having sir?" He said looking at me. But Dream likes to order for the both of us. And I let her because I like that she takes control and does things for me. But I wouldn't mind doing it.

"He'll have the chicken tenders. If you could make them crispy for him that would be great. And fries on the side, medium salt. Sauce on the side, he wants bbq and ketchup. And what you want to drink?" She asked but I was stuck looking at her mesmerized.

"Oh sorry. Water." I said.

"Water. No ice." She said.

"And for you?" He said directing his attention over to her completely. And I kept an eye on him to see how he was looking at her.

"I want mozzerella sticks. Maranara sauce on the side. Lot of it. And I was wings, all legs. I don't want flats. Smothered in buffalo sauce. Ranch and blue cheese on the side. For a drink? Sprite if you got it? Water with no ice if you don't." She said and he wrote it all down but I definitely saw him looking down at her boobs. But I ignored it when he walked away.

"Damn lil lady. You sure can put it away." I said looking at her and she got wide eyes and started laughing.

"Don't you EVER." She said hitting my hand and I laughed.

"I saw the way he was looking at you." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Jimin don't start." She said making me laugh.

"Don't start what?" I said.

"That thing you do. You always look like you want to literally KILL anyone who looks at me. It's okay Jimin." She said putting her hand on mines and I sighed.

"They don't need to stare you like that. But I don't blame them. Gimme kiss." I said poking out my lips and she sat up leaning over the table and kissed me and I kissed her again before she could sit back.

"You got them soft ass lips." I said looking at her and she laughed.

We kept talking while waiting on the food and it finally came. And we were eating and picking off of each others plates like we always do.

Anyone else I would literally be ready to smack them in their face if they picked off my plate. But I just let her do whatever she wants.

Dream POV

When we were almost done eating Jimin randomly pulled a box out of his pocket.

"I hope you not proposing. We haven't even known each other that long." I said and he laughed.

"No but it's almost equally as nice." He said giving me the box and I laughed.

I opened the box and it was a cute diamond necklace with his initial. And another necklace, a name plate necklace of my name.

"Jimin." I said smiling.

"You like it?" He asked me.

"Yesss. Come put this J on me boy." I said taking it out of the box and he laughed getting up. And he put the necklace on me and I looked down at it on my neck. It looks so nice and shiny too.

"I would ask if this is real silver and diamond but..." I said.

"Don't even doubt me. You know it's real." He said making me smile.

We finished eating and I let Jimin pay the bill and we got in the car. And I took pictures of my necklace and sent it to my sisters.

failed abortions🤰🏾

lanaeeee🩵: oh? thats from jimin???

dream💋: yes


dream💋: he bought me another necklace too🤧

lanaeeee🩵: of what?

dream💋: its a name plate of my name😁

lanaeeee🩵: sista im telling you. do not fuck this upppp

dream💋: lanaee i am not with him for money...

lanaeeee🩵: but this is still a good thing

dream💋: what exactly is the "good thing"?😭😭

neisha💘: yk her ass talking about the money

lanaeeee🩵: whatever yall say🙄

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Check out my other works. Smuts. Spilled Milk. BTS reactions and scenarios. The Drug Dealer 1, 2, and 3. Don't Catch Feelings. The Baby Daddy. And Die For You.

Love you!💋

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