Part 22

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

I started texting Jimin what I saw and he was sending me voice memos of him laughing and gasping all at the same time.

dream💫: jimin.
dream💫: understand that she has been on my DICK
dream💫: for the longest thinking i wanted liam

jimin🤓: and then popping out and fucking him in the storage closet

dream💫: oh hold on she coming back

jimin🤓: i know that closet STINK😷


She came over and sat down straightening her clothes I couldn't help but be disgusted. Liam isn't even cute. Liam is a literal creep and he doesn't even smell good. Fucking a creep who kinda stinks and is ugly is one thing. But fucking that same man in the storage closet of your job?...does it get any lower than that?

But I kept going about what I was doing and out of the corner of my eye I seen she was staring at me.

"So you're not gonna say anything?" She said and I looked from left to right.

"What is there to say?" I said still typing.

"So you're gonna act like you didn't see me and Liam in the closet." She said.

"Pretty much." I said nodding.


"Maybe I would have said something had after I closed that door you both came out trying to explain yourselves. But you came back around 25 minutes later. So even after I saw y'all, that means y'all still continued. Which is disgusting." I said.

"Explain ourselves? Are you jealous that I was the one who was fucking Liam?" She said with a smug look on her face and I started laughing. No I started damn there CACKLING.

"Jealous? Of you fucking Liam in a storage closet of our job? I need you to be so serious." I said shaking my head still laughing a little.

"I know you want Liam. But listen. You cannot have him—"

"Lemme stop you right there ma'am. I do not want Liam. If I wanted him, I could have him. He the type of nigga to buy me a car on the spot right now if I asked. I don't even have to open my legs to him. But you? You busted it wide open for a dirty ass creep who kisses the ground i walk on. Like get a grip." I said rolling my eyes.

"I bet I could still tell Liam go out on a date with me right now and he'd go. Regardless if you fucked him or not." I said.

"You wanna bet?" She said.

"I promise you I do not care that much to make a bet with you Tora. I actually have a date tonight. With a man. A man. A man who washes his ass. A man who consistently gets a haircut and gets his nails and feet done. A man who has money. A man who's not a creep. But aye. If Liam is as best as you can do? Shoot for the stars beloved." I said shrugging and she turned back to her computer looking mad.

When someone implies that I want somebody that I don't. I could get on your ass for DAYS. Because I never had a problem getting a man. So for you to sit somewhere and assume I wanted a man and didn't have him yet is offensive.

After Work

I gathered my things and went to the break room to clock out and as I was doing so I was texting Jimin.

He literally likes to be alerted on my every move. But not really like in a obsessive way. In a i just wanna know if you're okay way. And I think it's cute.

So I was texting him that I was clocking out and about to leave. And that I would call him when I was in the car.

So after I did I dropped my phone in my purse and started typing on the machine and scanning my ID. And Liam came up on the side of me leaning against the wall.


"Stop talking to me. Before Tora thinks I want your weird looking ass." I said and put my bag over my shoulder starting to walk out.

"But lemme just talk to you for a second." He said following me and I sighed continuing to walk out of the building and to my car.

I tell Jimin literally everything that happens in my day from start to finish. So when I tell him this oh he's gonna be mad.

"About what Liam?" I asked.

"I just wanted to tell you even after the party. I still want you. Even after what you may have saw in the storage room I still want you." He said and I unlocked my car getting it and immediately hitting the locks.

"Could you at least roll down the window a crack? I'm not gonna assault you." He said and I literally cracked the window.

"What now? What part of no don't you get?" I said.

"Are you still with that Jimin character?" He said and I tilted my head.

"How do you even know his name?" I asked.

"I have my ways." He said looking over somewhere else and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes im still with Jimin. Goodbye." I said putting my car in reverse and driving away.

Liam POV

I watched as Dream drove away. She has no idea.

As I was watching her car exit the parking lot Tora came up to me and I sighed when I saw her. I just fucked her for information.

I mean her pussy wasn't bad. Not bad at all. But it wasn't that good either. Not as good as I imagine Dream's is. I know Dream's pussy is magical.

Before I could think about anything else, Tora snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Why did you go to her car?" She asked and I mentally took a deep sigh. Now she thinks she can question me on what I do.

"You wanna fuck again?" I asked and her face instantly lit up.

"Yes." She said and I took her hand and took her to my car.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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