Part 5

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

When I got outside I saw Jimin standing waiting on me. And he smiled when he saw me.

"Why didn't you text me when you got here?" I said pushing him laughing.

"I wanted you to take your time getting dressed. We're not in a rush." Jimin said and we started walking.

"You live on campus right?" I said and he shook his head.

"No. I live in an apartment. Close to here though." He said.

"Oh wow. You must have a nice job. Paying for college and an apartment close to here." I said.

"I don't have a job." He said and i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"So how are you paying for all this shit? Come to think of it, is this a Versace shirt?" I said making him laugh.

"My parents pay for everything." He said making my eyebrows raise.

I always grew up around people that worked for everything, or were struggling and had nothing. 

I've never even really heard of peoples parents just handing them expensive things their whole lives. I really only seen that shit in movies.

"So you've never had a job?" I asked.

"Nope. I never needed to. My parents have always paid for everything." He said.

"Damn. What do they do?" I asked.

"They own a huge company. I don't know too much about it." He said.

"So what is your major?" I asked.

"Business. They want me to take over the business when I graduate." He said.

"How the fuck are you gonna take over a business you know nothing about?" I said laughing making him laugh.

"I was thinking the same thing." He said shaking his head.

"Okay. So what do you want to do when you graduate?" I asked.

"What do you mean? I have to take over the business." He said.

"I know but that's what your parents want you to do. But what do YOU want to do. What does Jimin want to do?" I said and his eyebrows raised and he looked a little taken aback.

"Wow." He said looking forward.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"Nobody's ever asked me that. I've only ever heard everyone around me talking about me taking over the family business." He said.

"Surely enough you've thought about what you want to do." I said.

"I have. But I've never like...expressed that to anyone because it wasn't like a priority to anyone." He said.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked.

"I've always been into music. I've always wanted to run my own record label." He said.

"You can still use your degree for that. Just not on the road your parents thought. You should do that." I said trying encourage him.

"Nah. I have to run the business." He said shaking his head.

"Why is it so important to them?" I asked.

"Because I'm the first born son. In our family the first born son takes over the family business." He explained.

"But that's not what you wanna do. And it's your life. So I say fuck what the tradition offense." I said putting my hand on his shoulder and he laughed.

"None taken. Love the support. But..." He said trailing off and I laughed.

"But you're not gonna listen." I said rolling my eyes.

"Yeah. Sorry. I just wanna...keep my parents happy." He said.

"That's cool. BUT. At the end of the day you're not living for your parents. You're living for you." I said.

When we got to the party me and Jimin looked at each other before walking up to the house. And we went inside.

The lights were off. Only lights were LED lights making the colors purple, pink, and blue. Red cups everywhere. Loud music. A LOT of people. I guess this was a frat party. People dancing, walking back and forth, laughing.

I do not miss going to parties. There is entirely too damn much going on for my liking.

"You wanna get a drink?" Jimin said in my ear and I nodded and he started walking. But too damn fast, and there was quite a few people. So as I was walking trying to keep up with Jimin, people were cutting me off. Walking in front of me. And I knew I was bound to lose Jimin. So I got a little scared.

I moved around people and when I got close enough to Jimin I grabbed his arm making him stop.

"Wait. Stay with me." I said and he pulled me closer to him as I held his arm.

"I got you." He said making me sigh in relief.

I really only know him. And I don't even know him.

We went to the kitchen and went to the drinks.

"What do you drink? The hard stuff? Or you want wine." He said.

"I'll have 1 shot. 1." I said sitting my cup on the counter in front of Jimin.

"That's good. Cause I'll have 3." He said pouring us shots making me laugh.

"No. I'll have 1. I have to watch you." He said pushing my cup to me.

"You don't have to watch me Jimin. Have fun." I said.

"I'll have fun. Watching you." He said making me laugh.

We threw back our shots and rushed to take our chasers.

We walked around the house taking a stroll just to see everything. When we got to the living room, that's where everyone was dancing.

As I was looking in the little crowd I saw Manura twerking on some guy and I laughed.

"Look. That's my roommate." I said pointing and Jimin laughed.

"Does she know him?" He said.

"Probably not." I said making him laugh again. Me and Jimin lightly danced to the songs and talked and laughed.

We stayed with each other the entire time. And then I looked at the time and it was 10:30. Bitch im GONE.

"Jimin. I'm leaving." I said in his ear.

I would never want anyone to think they ever have to babysit me. Or go somewhere with me to accommodate me. I can do it on my own.

"Okay let's go." He said.

"Don't you wanna stay?" I said.

"Not if you're here. I gotta make sure you get home safe." He said.

"Jimin if you wanna stay. Stay." I said looking at him.

"No no no. You're not gonna talk me out of it. Come on." He said grabbing my hand and we walked out.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Check out my other works. Smuts. Spilled Milk. BTS reactions and scenarios. The Drug Dealer 1, 2, and 3. Don't Catch Feelings. The Baby Daddy. And Die For You.

Love you!💋

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