Part 21

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

"And then we just sitting there and guess who the fuck walks in? Liam." I said and Jimin's eyes went wide.

"It's been a little minute I'm not gonna lie I thought that night he got himself into some more shit and he was dead. And I wouldn't have been surprised if he was. But to walk back into work like everything is normal? Like did you even check in with your family members or anyone?" He said making me laugh.

"That's what the fuck I'm saying Jimin." I said shaking my head.

"I like the way you say my name." He said looking at me and I sighed.

"You're just too horny." I said shaking my head and he laughed.

We went to Friday's and I just got a shit ton of chicken wings and blue cheese on the side with some fries. And a water. I was already drinking a lot of water before but Jimin done turned me into something different.

We both agreed to ONLY drink water from now on. And he actually has me sticking to the plan because he's sticking to the plan.

"Okay. There is a party at my dads company. Monday." Jimin said but I was too busy fucking up them wings to even fully pay attention to what he was saying. So I just nodded.

"Dream." He whined.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"There is a party at my dads company. Monday. Celebrating all the money they've brought in this year." He said.

"Okay." I said shrugging.

"I was wondering if you would go with me." He said making my eyes get wide and I put down the wing.

"But your parents are gonna be there." I said.

"Yeah." He said nodding.

"That would mean I would have to meet your parents Jimin." I said.

"It's not like I'm introducing you as my wife. It's not gonna be that serious. Don't think about it like that." He said laughing and I shook my head.

"Nah. No." I said shaking my head.

"Don't do that Dream. I'm gonna meet your sisters tomorrow. And they might as well be your parents." He said and I sighed because I knew he was right.

I'm gonna have him meet the people who basically raised me, aside from my grandmother. So how can I sit here and say I'm not gonna meet his parents.

But I'm just so nervous of what this could mean. Like does it mean we're boyfriend and girlfriend? Like are we getting serious? How is Jimin feeling?

"Okay. Okay. I'll go." I said rolling my eyes and he smiled and clapped.

"Yay. I'm gonna take you shopping tomorrow for a outfit." He said.

"I have clothes Jimin." I said.

"Do you wanna go shopping or not?..." He said making me laugh.

"I mean yeah but you know I don't like you spending too much money on me at once. Especially not shopping Jimin." I said making him sigh.

"Just let me please. Please. I'm begging." He said and I laughed.

"No." I said making a heart with my fingers and he laughed.

"What you can do is take me to go get my hair done tomorrow after work. You could do that." I said.

"Can I at least pay for it? And why are you getting your hair done tomorrow. You normally get it done every Monday." He said.

"Because I have to go somewhere with you Monday. So I'll get everything done a day before. What color scheme should I go for with my outfit?" I asked.

"Do I gotta wear something like...modest?" I asked.

"No I don't want you to do that. Dress how you want." He said.

"Jimin. Do I have to wear something modest to the party?" I asked.

I know he be wanting me to be myself and dress how I normally dress everywhere. But Jimin...I can't be with half my titties and ass out at a party with people who are like twice my age,who have long ass dresses covering everything.

"I mean...not really. There's not really a dress code. I like when you wear black dresses. But I think for your hair you should do a bright color. Like don't do a black dress and have your hair black or brown. Like do a red or blonde." He said and I smiled.

Jimin is the only guy I've ever talked to or dated that actually gave me like real suggestions.

You know if you ask a man "what color should i get my nails?" They all say the SAME thing. Every damn time. White. Jimin the only one who I know will be like let's go on Pinterest and look and actually compare nails with me. And he's actually open to seeing me in different colors with my hair other than a black buss down. And I LOVE that.

"Yesss Jimin. Great motherfuckin' minds think alike." I said continuing to eat my chicken.

After we ate Jimin paid the bill. I let Jimin pay our bill when we go out to eat. And that's about it. I be paying him back for the gas because he takes me everywhere.

He took me back to work and when I clocked in and went back to my seat Jimin stayed with me for like 10 minutes. Because he thought I was gonna fight Tora when I saw her. But girl...that was like an hour and a half ago. I quite literally just do not care anymore.

So after a little minute Jimin left after I said I was cool. So I started to get back to work and listening to music.

I was about to switch out the sheets in the clipboard but then realized there were no papers left. And I had to go print some more. So I got up and went to the room where the printer and all the supplies was.

I started up the printer but then there was no ink. So I opened the closet door to get more ink. And I barely had time to BLINK before I saw Liam and Tora. Fucking. I gagged and closed the door.

Cause why are y'all fucking in the CLOSET? Of all places. I will never get anything out of that closet ever again. Imma just take the cooperate car and go out and get ink and paper. I stopped the printer and went back to the desk. I was just so disgusted, but after a minute I started laughing.

Because this is what Tora wanted all along. She was always tryna be on my ass about how she thought I liked Liam. And you fucking him in the closet. Stop bothering me.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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