Part 40

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

"I will give you a month to prove that you are better with her than Tora. If you can run the meetings, do the numbers, and keep up your grades in school. I will hand over the entire business to you before you even graduate and transfer majority funds from me and your mothers accounts over to yours. But if you can't. I will cut you off. No more money. No more apartment. No more car. No more help from us. Until you agree to be with Tora and not Dream." His dad said.

"Why would i—"

"He'll do it." I said and Jimin looked at me.

"I will?" Jimin said and I gave him a look.

"I will." Jimin said.

"Jimin. Are you sure you wanna do this?" His dad asked.

"Yes. I love Dream dad. No deal you could ever propose to me could make me turn my back on her." Jimin said holding my hand under the table and I just looked at him.

I never met anyone that was willing to go to those lengths for me. I know I volunteered him to. But he willingly agreed. And stood his ground on it for me.

Jimin stood up and I stood up too. And we were about to walk out but I let go of Jimin's hand and back handed the fuck out of Tora. I mean you could HEAR the smack. And she held her face and Jimin's parents were looking stunned.

And I took Jimin's hands again.

"It was nice to meet you guys." I said bowing and walking with Jimin. And we left. And as we were walking back to the car I saw Neisha, Lanaee, and Manura taking pictures in the garden and I just shook my head.

"Let's gooooo." I said as Jimin opened my door for me and I got in the car and they all came over getting in the car too.

"So what happened?" Manura asked.

"Jimin has a month to prove to his parents that I can be of value to his future. If not they are going to cut all his money off." I said looking back at them and they all looked at me with wide eyes.

"And Tora was in there." I said.

"Please tell you put your hands on her. Jimin did she put her hands on her?" Lanaee said.

"Lanaee. She smacked the absolute SHIT out of that girl." Jimin said and they all clapped making me laugh.

"Right before we left. Smacked the hell out of her and we left out." Jimin said.

"Like some Bonnie and Clyde type shit. Oh I like this." Neisha said nodding.

"But wait. Prove you're of value. What do you mean?" Manura asked.

"I mean his dad was worried about me not being able to benefit Jimin in the long run. So Jimin has a month to prove that I can help him run the family business." I said.

"Not yall about to own a company together." Lanaee said.

"Y'all think y'all can do it?" Neisha said.

"We really don't have a choice." I said.

"I'm still gonna be with you Dream. Money or no money." Jimin said kissing my hand and I smiled.

"Y'all heard that? My man still gonna be with me." I said smiling looking back at them and they rolled their eyes.

We left out of the drive way and started sight seeing with my sisters. We went into some stores to get souvenirs and then we went out to eat.

As we were at the table and I was sitting next to Jimin. I did not wanna leave his presence. So I picked up my phone when I saw he was on his and texted him.

dream💫: i could spend the night again jimin?

jimin🤓: of course bby
jimin🤓: why?

dream💫: i dont wanna leave you

jimin🤓: thats more than okay bby

Jimin locked our arms together as I put my phone down. We ate Jimin insisted on paying the bill because I didn't let him buy ANYTHING for anyone but himself when we went in the stores. So I just let him have this one thing because the bill really wasn't that high.

He paid the bill and we left out taking my sisters back to the hotel. Tomorrow is the last full day my sisters will be here. It's Neisha's birthday tomorrow. And she wants to go to the mall, dinner, then the club. So I plan on joining her to go all those places.

I haven't spent a single birthday without my sisters. I

We went to the dorms and dropped Manura off and I got another change of clothes and all my stuff and left with Jimin.

We went to his house and we got in the shower. But then Jimin said he wanted some cookies so we went in the kitchen and started making cookies.

And by we I mean me. I was rolling the dough and Jimin was leaning on the counter talking to me.

"This whole bet thing just has me stressed the hell out." Jimin said and I nodded.

"Like what if I can't do it. I don't need their money, but let's be honest. You move through life a little easier with money. Being completely cut off, having no experience doing anything. How will I get a job to make it all back?" Jimin said.

"So you wanna call off the bet?" I asked.

"I don't wanna call off the bet because then my dad will look at me like a punk. I don't wanna back out now." He said.

"So what we doing Jimin. Let me know." I said.

"I wanna do it babe. But like how? Like I have no idea how to run my dads business." He said.

"We'll learn Jimin. We." I said looking at him and he sighed and laid his head down.

"I'm scared." He said making me laugh.

Hey thots, hope you enjoyed this part.

Love you!💋

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