Part 23

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Hey thots, hope you enjoy this part.

Dream POV

I went back to the dorms and when I realized I haven't went on my phone I face palmed myself. Cause that means I didn't call Jimin like I always do.

I parked and dug in my purse fining it and saw all of Jimin's messages.

jimin🤓: dream u in the car?
jimin🤓: dream are u okay?
jimin🤓: do i have to come up there?
jimin🤓: okay why if ur location moving and ur not texting me back?
jimin🤓: u always call me when u get in the car
jimin🤓: did i do something?
jimin🤓: im sorry bby

dream💫: my bad jimin
dream💫: i got in the car and forgot
dream💫: ill explain later
dream💫: why are u always apologizing?😭

jimin🤓: just in case i did do something
jimin🤓: ill pick u up at the same time

dream💫: okay jimin

I got my things and got out of the car and went up to the dorms. And Manura was on her laptop eating Popeyes.

"How was work?" She asked as I closed the door and I sighed and shook my head.

"Girl." I said taking off my shoes and she chuckled.

"What happened?" She asked closing her laptop.

"So im just sitting with Tora like always. Who. We don't fuck with no more by the way." I said taking my clothes off and putting my robe on.

"Did we ever really fuck with her?" She said making me laugh.

"We sitting there and do you know who walks through the damn door? Liam." I said and she sat up sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Where was he?" She asked.

"I didn't ask him. But he just walked up like everything was normal and was like hey Dream. And I was like...hey. And he just went on to the break room. So I look over at this bitch Tora. And she's giving me like this evil ass glare. Im not fucking with it. And she's like oh why did he talk to you first?" I said.

"Bitch you ask him." Manura said.

"And that's exactly what the fuck I said. Cause why are you questioning me and not him. So then I'm like ask him like you know I only talk to Jimin. And I was getting up because it was time for lunch. She get to calling me a bitch and getting up at me. Like bitch did you just get up at me?" I said taking off my makeup.

"Get up? Bitch do I need to go over there? Cause her weirdo ass will get dealt with in the worst way." Manura said.

"So im telling her like bitch you better sit down unless you wanna get right. I'm like do you wanna get active? But Jimin done snatched me up taking me away. But bitch she better be oh so thankful Jimin was right there. Cause had she said something else I would knocked that bitch eyeball loose." I said rolling my eyes and going to the bathroom.

"And then?..." Manura said leaning on the bathroom door.

"I'll tell you when I get out the shower." I said starting the shower.

"Oh hell no. I'll sit in here with you." She said coming in and closing the door behind her and I laughed.

I explained to her what happened and when I got in the shower we were just talking shit about Liam and Tora.

"Lemme tell you what I think." Manura said.

"What do you think friend?" I said.

"I think you need to whoop Tora ass one good time. Or let me do it. Simple." She said making me laugh.

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