Chapter 40

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I couldn't be wrong! I wouldn't make that mistake. It's Luke, Leo's twin brother. They are identical twins but only me and their mother could tell the difference. He was there throwing money and being surrounded by a few of the dancers.

I figured out that If this was going to be my ace card, I'd have to use it or I'll lose it. Either Luke will Lead me to Leo and my ex wife or I'll misuse him when the time is right. He is my best bet right now and I knew his weakness. The man could sell his entire family for alcohol and money.

I sent in a note for Luke to meet me up later with the best alcohol and and an envelope that enlisting his monetary negotiations. Knowing well that the bait is set.

Back at the cabin it all looked wrong, I senced chemistry between Camron and Kruz, and Samantha was busy flirting with Sean while Dave and Scarlet are casually discussing something intellectual. I don't think it's right for Samantha to slithering over Sean.

Yea, sure Sean is a guy any more woman would drool over but he was off the market. He is married to Bianka. Besides I don't trust Sean and well neither does Dave. We only tolerate him cause the girls like him. He has a person that would charm anyone, not that i was insecure or anything.

Scarlet wouldn't fall for guy who was married and deep down she knew he was not worth it. The woman was a reasonably good judge of personality, she knew where his loyalty would fall.

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