Chapter 23

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As soon as I'm here in my office, I call up my informer. "Where are they?". The mole could sense the emergency in my tone "No sir, my team has not been able to trace them yet."

Right now I felt like my emotions are going to get the worst in me, I wanted to break the damn phone but instead I yelled back "Then what am I paying you for you idiot!". I hung up.

My head was pounding with rage, vengeance and anger. How could I be calm after what she had done to me, she left me for him. I gave her my all, and in return she betrayed me. She said that she was scared of the psychopath in me, it's funny because I had never hurt her.

My very clever ex-wife tried so hard to make me look like a crazy husband in front of the police, she said that I mentally harassed her but instead could not prove anything thanks to the helpful neighbours and our house help Leo.

Leo stated to the police that my dear ex-wife was mentally unstable and was having an extra marital affair. He further proved her characterless by saying that she tried to sexually impose herself on him too, when he found out that she was sleeping around with other men. According to Leo she even offered him money to be dishonest and say otherwise.

Once she was pregnant, she started trying to elope with her lover. It was not mine so I had to kill it. I did what I wanted to, I pushed her from the staircase of our house, lucky for her Leo still had some humanity left in him. He helped her get to the hospital and elope with her later.

By that time I had no clue what Leo had done. I felt satisfied that both my ex-wife and her illegitimate child were dead. She did not deserve to live in the with that kind of dirt on herself. Leo did a good job of demeaning her character and I paid him well.

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