Chapter 10

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Over a few days I had become her chauffeur and I am not complaining. I loved the wryly humorous things she said, we talked every thing and anything. We had a long making out sessions in the car and when we were not doing that we were gossiping while driving. She loved talking about what's going on in other people's lives and I loved what she had to say about it.

She would analyse it and tell stories like she was part of them with animated expressions. The best part still was that her eyes would lit up when she'd have something entertaining to say. I svere I could do with just this woman my entire life, she is the only companion I desire and seek.

My Scarlet, I could do her all my life. She was so perfect, it'd would be tough for anyone to not fall in love with her. Yes, she was a woman of strong personality who'd get drunk and leak secrets but also loyal. She had soon become very serious in our relationship, she made me feel like the most desirable man, though I had been serious in my head too, I dint have the heart to tell her until she asked.

Finally telling her that I was serious, was really hard on me. I had been in a toxic relationship in the past where I might have been the toxic one perhaps. The thing is that I did not have a heart of falling in love and then falling out of it.

In the present day my ex would have made it to six feet down under too with my Scarlet dear, had it not been for her current husband. That fucktard had been protecting her from me all this while, they even left the city out of fear. I however, had stopped chasing her after Scarlet.

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