Chapter 26

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After engulfing tons and tons of candy floss at M&M world, me and Scarlet had no room for dinner. As soon as we entered the house Scarlet giggled around like a child, I knew she was on sugar rush from all the pink delight she ate. She went straight to our master bedroom and called out to me.

It took me a few minutes to lock the main door and on the locking system. When I entered our room It was empty. I called out for Scarlet twice, but she did not respond. I was beginning to get worried and was just gonna go to the CCTV room, when I heard her say "come in babe, the door is unlocked, I've got desert for us in the bathtub."

I stepped in without asking any further questions. Next, I was at loss of words for what I saw Scarlet's feline cover in nothing but dark chocolate. She signed me to off my clothes and step in the tub and I followed what she said, I was enjoying her kinky side tonight, telling me what to do. "lick me baby and do me like you did last night." It took just those words and the need in her eyes that took start licking her nipples and then do her till I knew she couldn't take it anymore.

She tasted so much sweeter tonight, this girl can turn me on like nobody else. When we showered, I couldn't help but notice her, she was naked and beautiful. I could not stop my hands from tracing her perfectly sculpted body and curves.  She smiled and looked down, I lifted her face back up to meet her eyes. Those eyes and that deep gaze which could pierce a soul, could really be so deceiving .

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