Chapter 17

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I heard the cops discussing the murder case with the store manager but luckily they did not have any suspects as of now. I swiftly payed extra for the cherries and walked away from the store as fast as I could.

Within a few days Scarlet had started walking with the help of crutches, she'd try to atleast 40 minutes daily for improvement. Today after her walk, I took her back to her ward. Before her afternoon nap she stopped me from leaving "don't go yet, read me my novel". I smiled at her and nodded, then settled on the chair next to her. She was reading a novel based on a Russian love story, I had barely read her a couple of chapters when I heard her breathing heavily.

She was deep asleep, she looked gorgeous. I tugged a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled to myself. While I was busy admiring my girl, I heard a knock on the ward door. I jogged to the door quickly so it did not wake up Scarlet and to my surprise it was the Cop I saw at the store.

My facial expressions must've said everything before I couldn't control them and the inspector must have seem to have read them right away "And we meet again young man, how is your girlfriend?"a. I could feel my mouth open the words couldn't escape out.

Bemused by my reaction he repeated his question, this time I let them peep in the ward where Scarlet was sleeping. The inspector spoke again with a serious expression " I understand your situation boy, don't worry your girl will be fine."

I regained my calm by then, and gained the courage to ask asked him why he was there. "The man who was murdered in the store was brought in this hospital, his body is also here, so the case brings us here. I coincidently recognised you from the store and thought maybe I should see if you need any help perhaps."

In my mind I only hoped that the hospital staff had not informed the police about Scarlet's car accident yet, because it wouldn't be difficult for this clever cop to put the pieces together and figure out who killed the old fart. But I only managed to mouth a thank you to the inspector with a fake smile. To my releaf there were no further questions the cops had walked away. Though they were gone for now, they will be back. I could not take that chance.

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