Chapter 22

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Every bit of the night made me thirst for more, but though I knew she'd be exhausted and I dint want that. While we were at it, I wanted her to continue looking at me. There was something about those eyes, that glare.

The ocean of lies, no matter how many times you drown in them, they stare to take your breath away each time. That night she made me feel like a sadist, the more I hurt her, the stronger I felt. What drove me crazier was her endurance to scavenger in me, I could feel it in her kisses and her occasional smiles. Was she really happy to satisfy me? I didn't think that then, she had me lost in the oasis of love.

I woke up to a notification from my mole, he must have found something. Damn! I can't call him now because Scarlet is deep in slumber next to me. This feels like the worst time to find those scoundrels and tracing them down. I couldn't afford to lose them, not now. Not after so many years. She must pay for running away from me and he will pay for trying to protect her from me.

I gently lifted Scarlet's hand from my chest and placed it to her side, and lifted her head from my arm to replace it with a fur pillow. I was literally sweating bullets, but she seemed to have woken up. She mumbled " if it's work, go now but come home early. There's a place I want you to take me to." , lucky for me she was half asleep or could even be dreaming. And since I love her I'll be home earlier like she wants, she was my Queen afterall.

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