Chapter 20

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It was a terrific party, Scarlet was surrounded by her girlfriends and were filling her in the New York Fashion show details. Since Scarlet was a keen listener she was giving her full attention to all her gorgeous girls. These friends of her were mostly workmates, colleagues and models.

Most of the men were also friends of Cameron's. His band mate boys, and Dev, one of our other close friends and few other male models from Scarlet's work space. The crowd looked smouldering hot with stunning women in gowns and handsome men in tux, this party was no less than a gala. I wanted to do the best for my girl, her wish is my command.

In the parellel universe I would have been marrying Scarlet in the same crowd, only if her parents were here too. But again I snapped out when the waiter brought over a glass of champagne. I took a sip of the sparkly delight and wandered back to my thoughts.

After scanning the entire hallway my eyes landed back at the my starlet, my Scarlet. Something looked off with her, she looked angry and had tears in her eyes. The next thing I know is that Scarlet throws wine on the woman standing in front of her, who squealed in and anger and disgust.

I was bemused for a moment and then felt sorry for the woman, and her powder blue gown. Her name Tara Piers I guess, I did not care much though the whole scenario was too funny, I barely controlled my laughter. This chic, must have done something really bad that it pissed off Scarlet, and if Scarlet did Tara deserved it.

I understood that the rumble was between two ladys but I and Dev had to step in to protect Scarlet's injuries. It wasn't long before Tara stomped her way out of the party in wine stain and embarrassment after she gave her final death glare at us. None of us really cared much about it and went back to enjoying the party.

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