Chapter Seventy Three

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 73 ]: Arc Four.

Title: [ Papa. ]







The Queen was dead, executed only a day after the terror the now-deceased Sir Lancelot brought. With a public execution done, both castle and country were present, as both the King and his citizens were witnesses to her passing. And it was said and believed that while her heart was in outcry, her death was swift and even gentle, decapitated by a simple blade wielded in delicate hands, she left the world without an ounce of pain in her body, and yet her spirit was another matter entirely.

But dying with regrets was an all too common death, and with her passing came a void in the kingdom, a missing piece of royalty that once had caused the hearts of many to admire her beauty in both spirit and form. And as the country prepared for a possible conflict across the sea against Roman tyranny, murmurs once again sprouted, speaking of and against the King as those that believed the country was on its last legs needed to only look to the ground as they begged for something to grow.

"...He served as the King and Queen's guard for many years, do you think he knew?"

But today, there was only the faint sun to light the sky and grow the crops, as in the distance the once mighty mass of warm light slowly began to descend down into the sea. A splash of colors formed the evening sky: oranges covered the mass of the heavens as streaks of blue and faint purples blended in the warm dominance that was the sky, forming translucent hues to paint the upper world, the gentle clouds drifted by, their once dominant white blended into the sky, becoming akin to shades of gray that bordered on hues of blue.

"No... Why would he of all people betray the King's trust in such a way? No, that man has served Arthur since his first battle."

And in the white city of Camelot, things could be no better, as a plague of silence fell upon the city as the end of the day came. No, truly there was sound, but compared to the heart of the country it once stood as, even the laughs of a child were becoming a rare sight. All around, the knight and even the citizens attended solely to their duties as words were exchanged only when required, and only when needed. Where was joy, where was laughter, and where was the heart of the people placed? Had it been stolen in her death, or simply had it begun to truly die without it?

"...But is he truly the same man? No, since the death of Sir Gareth and the others, even his men say differently... That Lancelot...! To rob them of their-"

As men talked in secrecy amongst themselves, behind their stores and in the darkness of alleyways, those that shined bright would only pass them by.

"Quiet you fool! They're coming by..."

Behind the stand which sold fresh fruit, were two men looking ahead as a familiar face walked past. Adorned in silver, and dressed in blue, he was believed to be both a man of the people as well as the crown. Sir Y/n: the Wolf Knight of Camelot. For many years did he serve the people, and for as long as he had been here, this man had dedicated his life to the crown. He was a foreigner, but these people called him one of their own.

"Right, that's Sir Mordred with him, correct..?"

"...Yes, she's recently taken up Sir Gareth's-"

The legendary knight stopped in front of their shop, alerting the two older men as under his helmet were dull eyes that shined like gold, yet presented a dull glimmer. They could not read a word upon his face as he calmly looked at them like they were... No, this was a man who made every man and woman feel welcomed, that even the children would run up to greet him, and yet today, he stared at them like they were simply another person on the street, with no warmth, no familiarity, they were simply people, and it was truly unnerving.

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