Chapter Thirty Six [ Sheathing Avalon ]

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[ Chapter 36 ]


Atop the towering white tower that eclipsed every other structure in this strange world, barring the crystal castle, was Tiamat, sitting atop the building. Dressed in white, the god watched on, looking towards the sky. A sky that betrayed the ground below. The sun, or rather a crimson moon releasing a strong light that lit the entire world, stood complacent, like an eye that forever watched this strange place.

The child wasn't with her, no, today they would not meet, as she didn't have access to that privilege, not today at least. Yet, she smiled nevertheless, a gentle one that paired well with the sweet look in her eyes. An aura of warmth was glued to her figure, making even the monstrous horns upon her head appear welcoming.

"They're a lovely union... One that should not be by all accounts, yet is," She stated with a kind tone to her voice, as she raised the glowing ball that was in her right hand closer to her face. The smile on her face only continued to grow as the orb glowed, images beginning to show.

"Such a thing even makes me miss Abzu..." Tiamat continued, continuing to watch what she was seeing. A giggle escaped her lips as she moved, standing up and raising her right arm to the sky. "That his love for her even rivals ours... What a man he always becomes... Y/n..." The ball of white in her hand began to depart from her, slowly flying away before shining and erupting into a small blast of light, leaving only glitters in its wake.

"And, I am thankful that I can see a journey such as his," She said, looking down to the ground. "It's like watching a child grow up, and I guess that is what I have been doing, I've known him since he was a boy... And, It makes me a little jealous I cannot call him my own, in that regard..." She muttered before raising her head back up, her smile quickly returning.

"But, I believe we should rejoice then! That our 'White Prince' has found a new queen!"


It had been more than a couple of days since they had arrived, the month of July had finally passed as August came into the fold. They had finally settled in and were beginning to get used to the new setting they were living in. Yet, it seemed tonight, something special was going to occur... As after they had eaten, and dinner was over, the man had decided to whisper something in her ear, too embarrassed to say it aloud.

"Artoria... Head upstairs will y-ya? And wear something nice, I don't wanna t-take ya while you're dressed like some farm girl..." -Y/n

"How long was he planning to tell me that...?" Artoria asked herself, sinking deeper in the bath, feeling the warm water surround and ease her body.

Alone in the baths, the tub was large enough to fit two, yet here she was alone. Her long hair was wet, becoming smoother than silk as it hung at her back. A thinking expression is written across her face as she pondered what had happened thirty minutes ago.

Surprised was an understatement as when she heard and realized what he had said, the woman had dropped her spoon. Stunned. And to ease her nerves, she had decided to sink herself deep in a warm bath. Making a small white lie as the man who had made her such a mess, only nod his head, taking her at her word. So here laid Artoria, the woman knowing she eventually had to leave this room and travel upstairs and...

Even after I made him confirm himself twice... His confidence never wavered... Artoria thought, as despite how flustered he seemed, there was no doubt in his voice. In her eyes, he seemed sure of himself and even happy at the thought of sleeping with her. Which only brought out more worries... Now knowing he was serious.

Fate/Lost Horizion [ Dogs of War]. Volume 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя