Chapter Fifty Two

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 52 ]: Arc Three.

Title: [ One More Day. ]







Be it big or small. Grand or simple. There are just some days we just wish to be stuck in and never move past in the story we call life. They're memories we cherish and could never part from. Truly a testament to how fun times can be missed, and how memories are made in their moment.

"One," He began to count as the sound of feet scurrying off into an unknown direction was heard.

"Two," He continued, a small smile forming on his face as he kept his hands over his eyes, no peeking. Hearing the little girl giggle and move furniture, he felt the next word hit the cusp of his lips as he gave her just a couple more seconds.

"...Three! Here I come, little red! The big bad wolf is here!" With a funny voice and charming smile, her Father uncovered his eyes, looking around the kitchen for his daughter as their game of hide and seek began.

The game was a favorite in this house.

"Alright dear, let's see where you hid this time...," Standing proud and a little menacing, Y/n played the role of the big bad wolf, while his daughter of course played the part of little red riding hood. Who would win? His sense of smell, or the little girl's skill at concealing her presence?

Walking around the kitchen, he started his search. Looking under the table and pulling out the chairs, he found nothing. "Good, don't want a repeat of Skoll do we?" He asked aloud, remembering how he once pulled the blonde out from under here, receiving a giggle in return as he stood up and spun around towards the cabinets.

"Hmm?" Walking up to the large cabinets that hung off the and above the stove, he raised a brow while walking up to them. ( Hate to say it, but this little girl right here is a monster when it comes to sneaking into places she isn't supposed to be in... Last week I saw her reading in the closet...on the top shelf.) Y/n thought to himself as he suddenly...swung open the cabinet doors one by one! Hoping to secure an easy victory and catch the little girl by surprise.

"Well I'll be damned, at least I don't have to worry about you being up here next to the glass," Y/n committed, seeing no red-haired little girl in sight as he stood with his hands to his side, only to hear another giggle from the living room.

"Hehehe, Father is going to have to try harder to catch me!" Baobhan Sith exclaimed as Y/n quickly turned around in the direction of her childish voice. "Okay! Have it your way then!"

Shoeless, Y/n ran and slid into the living room with a smooth stride before looking around. Nothing looked to have been moved as he looked over the area, looking for anything of note with a trained pair of eyes. The girl was slick, she was smart, and most of all, she had his skill for getting into places he wasn't supposed to as a kid. ( Honestly, when my Mother and I would play this game, it was more me trying to hide from punishment and more her trying to find me before handing it out...) Y/n thought to himself, right hand under his chin, looking thoughtful.

(...I miss my Mother.) The man thought to himself out of nowhere, remembering it had been seventeen years since he last saw her. Before he could dwell on the oncoming crippling reality of how long it had been, once again, he suddenly broke out of his thoughts as he heard the shuffle of feet.

Fate/Lost Horizion [ Dogs of War]. Volume 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon