Chapter Fifty

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Artist Credit: Meng Ziya (Danborou)

Dogs of War [ Chapter 50 ]: Arc Three.

Title: [ Dull Sword and Shattered Sheath ]







[ Hey mother, I got news for ya, I'm a dad! Sorry, that's probably not the best thing to start with, bit of a shock, huh? But yeah, I finally found a very special woman, and she's given me something wonderful. Her name is Artoria Pendragon, and I hope one day you'll get to meet her. We aren't married, at least not officially, but Sif has her thoughts on the matter. But, I do want you to meet her, she's, how do I put this, she's someone who has changed my life for the better... And if you're wondering, yeah Arthur was a guy, and that day is something I'll never forget. But listen, Mother, I love her. ]

[ But yeah, I'm a father now, to two little girls I can't wait to meet, one hasn't been born yet, and I'll explain that situation one day, maybe if I can see you in person. But, yeah I'm a dad, I keep telling myself that like I don't believe it. It's just a very amazing feeling, mom. I'm sorry, but I can't call you a teacher anymore, we're both parents now, and you're a grandma! I'm sorry for not writing to you for a while, and I do plan to send these to you someday, life has just gotten so busy as of late... But I promise I'll get these letters to ya somehow. ]

[ Hey mother, when you were raising me, and teaching me, what was it like? You were always hard to read, but I've been growing older, I'm twenty-nine currently, and I've been thinking about it. You do love me, even if you're not obvious about it, I know you do. So, what's it like raising a kid? Is it scary? It feels terrifying, I don't wanna mess up, I wanna give them the world and then more. I don't wanna travel the world, and I don't wanna see a hero, I wanna be a father, so mind giving me some advice? You're still my teacher, and I could use a lesson right now. ...Hey, I'm sorry for leaving the island, I should have said goodbye properly, but, what I have right now is something I don't wanna leave, so I'll see you later rather than sooner. But, since I can't see you right now. Your idiot son still loves his hardass mother. ]

"You... I want to be angry, so angry with you that I could pull my hair out...," She paused, her fingers pressing on the old pages, shoulders tensing as she stopped her breathing before exhaling, fire leaving her as she finished. "But, you always gave a smile with whatever you told me. ...I shouldn't be reading this in the first place... But, I need to hear your words..."

"What else can I do? Everything is becoming so difficult, and I need you to lift me up... I can't even say what I want anymore..."

"But you're a part of it, my heart is saying that much, and even I can't understand it, but you always did..."

"So can you do it again, keep giving me the answers I want to hear, make me believe that what I fear can be conquered... I was only able to walk because you led me..."

"Y/n... I miss you..."

Restless, sleep escaped her as she sat in bed, bedroom door locked, with only the candlelight giving a glow to the dark room. Hidden from the stars, away from the night sky, the curtains blocked the moon's light. Her armor was scattered on the floor, with no regard for where it ended up, she wasn't even sure if she wanted to look at it right now. She wanted to escape it. Dressed only in a light blue nightgown, her hair was undone, allowing her long blonde hair to rest upon her shoulders before drifting a bit down her back.

Fate/Lost Horizion [ Dogs of War]. Volume 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora