Chapter Sixty Four

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 64 ]: Arc Four.

Title: [ Kings and Queen: Trouble In Paradise.]








Air flowed into her lungs as she took her first breath, while her cool green eyes reflected the silver tip of a long golden spear, hands clasped tightly around the handle as she felt arms be pulled to the ground from the sheer weight of the weapon. From one end forward to the back her hands clasped the handle as she looked ready to lunge forward and pierce the wildest of boars, her short blonde hair stood still as did her feet which were rooted to the green ground and covered by old brown boots a little too big for her. The wind blew, the cool air hit her soft skin, and the ground crunched as her right foot was placed forward, taking another breath, her shoulders loosened just a little.

"Oi, keep them shoulders up, and don't let your weight shift so easily. Your legs hold the power behind your thrusts and your eyes and arms are meant to guide that power," Y/n instructed as he watched from behind, his eyes studying every bit of her form right down to the amount of weight she placed on her waist. And so, with his back to a large bush adorned in colorful flowers, the morning sunlight reflected and shined off his silver armor. "Spear first, then your body extends after, next you'll follow with your front foot leading, Gareth."

"Right!" She confirmed, her eyes growing sharper as she threw off her smile in favor of a more 'serious' face. Staring ahead, that facade did almost crack as her eyes briefly wandered around the garden. Filled with plants and flowers, it was doused in color and scenery as even the small lake that was near the white gazebo had little fishes swimming around in it. But nevertheless, the knight refocused herself before her almighty teacher noticed. Oh, how she didn't want to mess up! Serious as he could possibly be right now, even the basics were something he didn't let fly by. But, as she prepared herself, another piece of advice came her way.

"Gareth, try imagining yourself using a rapier when you lunge. Haha, I've noticed you have a habit of trying to use too much strength when your body is still a bit small, let's make things easier, alright?" Blonde and ever beautiful, a year had passed yet time would always escape this king. Leaning over the rail of the white gazebo, Artoria, dressed in her royal attire offered the girl both advice and a refreshing smile that was famed to raise the morale of even a hundred men. Nodding her head quickly, Gareth took to her mind as she envisioned such a position.

"Not a bad idea, the little pup could use a little break from trying to copy me, now go ahead and try it out," Laughing at her groans, Y/n smiled and watched Gareth prepare herself one final time before...

"Ha!" Bending the knee forward and shooting off like a spring her feet briefly left the ground as she floated on air. Pushing the spear through her left hand using her right until they met, they extended out in front of her small frame as the wind cut open and gently blew back as Gareth lunged forward, performing a strong thrust that cut the air, knocking back the grass which blew back, making even the golden locks over Artoria's face go out of order as she raised.

"How did I do?" The squire asked ever quickly, like a child looking for praise the "parents" were ever happy to provide it.

"Not bad at all, Gareth. Your time could use some work, but that'll of course come with the former anyway," Artoria complemented as the girl flashed a bright smile and bowed her head. "Thank you very much!" She exclaimed with joy at such praise from the king, only turning around to see her teacher begin walking up to her smirking as he calmly and gently took his spear out of her hands.

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