Chapter Thirty

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[ chapter 30 ]

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how." -Friedrich Nietzsche

Crystal clear blue skies, soft white clouds, and of course a golden sun. If anyone were to look up and see they would find themselves staring at exactly that. With the sun showing mercy, today was quite pleasant, meaning no one would have to worry about the summer heat. A change of pace for the people of Britain, as since the month began, the blazing ball of light was adamant about letting them know what season they were in.

Nevertheless, it was a cool day today. Which compliments the land well, as one could find themselves falling asleep in this bed of flowers. Peaceful and silent, the area around them could be described as such. In a sea of sunflowers that moved gently with the wind's breeze, the land around them, a field that stretched far, was full of yellow flowers.

And inside this sea, were there two individuals, a duo you could say?

"There's a lot more flowers here than I remember..." Y/n muttered, turning his head to look around him before shrugging his shoulders. "I guess that woman has a thing for gardening..." He guessed, figuring that it was Guinevere who was responsible for this.

"Well, I'm not complaining... I do prefer areas like this, nature and all that..." Y/n finished, looking down at his legs, finding Sif resting on his lap. The gray wolf having heard his words, as she was right by him, lifted her head and met his eyes with her own.

"Is that so, master? Well, that makes you one of the few humans the planet wouldn't mind staying." Sif said, earning his attention as she continued on. "Though, if you ever were to meet Gaia, I'm sure you would annoy her to hell." Sif teased, earning a sigh from the man.

"Yeah, maybe... Ehh, just let me enjoy this, will ya?" Y/n asked, earning a grin from the wolf. "I'd rather be out here at night... But that woman kept pushing for me to do this..." Y/n continued, making the activity sound like a chore. "So, here I am..."

"Of course, I'm still surprised you agreed." Sif replied, sounding glad. "Either way, coming out here at night would make things a little less bright and colorful, wouldn't it?" Sif finished.

"Yeah... But, I prefer the moon over the damn sun..." He said in response, explaining something Sif already knew, but nevertheless... "Even if it's a little too red for my liking..."

Merlin had been the one to get the redhead out of the house today. The woman had once again visited him, but with a different purpose in mind. Wishing for him to have some time to himself, and not be cooped up in his room, she had managed to convince Y/n to come here of all places. Believing that the scenery could brighten his mood for just a bit. But, this is Y/n, a man too stubborn to stay dead, so she may have had to be a little pushy with her request...

It worked either way, as Y/n had left Camelot to come here, with only Sif at his side. Quite odd since he usually came here with the queen. Merin herself wasn't able to accompany the man, bothering him a little. The woman only explained she had something rather important to attend to. Something the man didn't question.

This place is nice... I can see why Guin enjoys it so much now... Y/n thought, looking forward with a relaxed face, his eyes being more calm than tired for once, yet one could still see the latter if they looked. Placing his hands on the ground and behind him, his gaze drifted to the sky above. Staring up at the soft clouds.

But... I really can't enjoy it like Merlin probably wanted, maybe I should come here with her next time? That woman has an odd way of affecting me, be it for good or bad... Y/n continued to think. He was thankful for her always trying to keep him company, as even he himself knew he needed someone other than Sif by him. His dear wolf was always there for him, but it didn't hurt to have others too.

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