Chapter Fifty Seven

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 57 ]: Arc Four

Title: [ Stand By Me.]







( Just let me always be beside you, and I'll be perfectly fine...)

"...I'll always be there for you, Master."

......What else could be said?

"...I love you too, Sif."



Golden eyes greeted her once again under this moonlit night.

"I dare you to call anyone that but me, Haha...How you been Girl?"

"....," Her world was coming to a stop as her eyes focused on his own; her sky blue eyes grew larger the more she stared, her furry ears twitching as she heard the familiar laugh that would forever warm her heart and quell her fears. She was speechless, lost in a trance as her heart and eyes battled between what was true, what was reality, and if this was real. Should she smile or should she cry? Unaware of her actions, the woman reached out with her arms, placing a firm grasp on her master's shoulders, afraid he would disappear right then and there, she held on to stop the chance of ever letting go again. Sif could only move her face ever closer to his, as if she was an old dog trying to remember visiting family, sniffing to get his scent, wishing to make sure it truly was him, refusing to break focus with his gentle gaze as she stared at him with all manner of emotions, a rushing tide present in her eyes, threatening to spill out.

"'re my M-Master," Her voice was shaken while her body seemed to tremble, her tail beginning to slowly wag as tears brimmed her eyes.

He didn't grimace or groan, the man only relaxed his body while the girl's grip tightened. He let out a slow breath before smiling at her. Ever familiar, ever warm, ever charismatic, that if you were to look at his expression, it would evoke feelings of security and love. Giving the notion that because he was still smiling, this man could tell you and you would believe "Everything would be alright". Y/n didn't speak, saying not a word, only nodding his head at the woman, confirming her hopes before she once again trembled, threatening to collapse in his arms as, in the next moment, the dam broke as the tide came with both cries and tears, a rushing wave of emotions that overwhelmed her heart. She wrapped her arms around his neck while the tears rolled down her face, some even falling to his chest as she held onto him to the point where it felt like she would fall if she let go.

"Master!" Sif howled, wailing as she once again found her friend, her master by her side. This wasn't pain nor sorrow as her tail wagged and her heart began to fill with joy, a smile threatening to creep on her face as she cried her eyes out. "Haha... It's rare to see you like this, but that's alright, I missed you too," Chuckling while her stared at her with a warm gaze that told she meant the world to him, Y/n ran his right arm up and down her back, while the left reached her head, patting her on the head while occasionally playing with her ears, even Y/n had to admit, he wanted to cry to.

"I missed you... I missed my...please," Sif words were muffled by the weight of her heart as she buried her head in the crook of his neck, only receiving a gentle shush from Y/n who leaned up out of his sleeping position, not letting go of his companion as he held her closer. Well, he couldn't let go of her, because he didn't want to. He couldn't say what he wanted, as like her, his words would have become muffled, and he would've choked up. So, he just showed how much he missed her by not letting go, smiling as he spoke a little, whispering in her ear a couple of words that he felt she deserved to hear.

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