Chapter Forty Six

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Dogs Of War [ Chapter 46 ] : Arc Three.

Title: [ Five years is a long time to wait; and harder to be apart. ]







Looking over the document with a calm unreadable face, lacking any sign of emotion, the brown-colored parchment was squeezed as if to be crushed under their metallic thumb. Holding the paper in their left hand, they crushed the document inside their silver gauntlet. Making a crunching sound as they did so, before promptly releasing their hold on it, letting it fall to the white table before them. A sigh escaped them as they overlooked the seal that belonged to Rome, finally breaking the silence that had been occupying the room and round table.

"Tribute to Emperor Tiberius?" They questioned, or yet spoke aloud so that others may understand the request made of them by the Roman Leader, and self-proclaimed 'Sword Emperor'. "This is ridiculous...," Artoria, or rather King Arthur said.

The lack of response from her knights was not due to having nothing to say, but like many times before, due to the presence the king now carried, they began to question themselves on what was appropriate to say. The idea sounded laughable, as they were her most trusted knights, speaking freely was a right of theirs, yet nevertheless, they felt the need to verify with themselves on what was right.

The unease in the room, shared by all members of the roundtable caused them to occasionally glance at one another, positioning one another to speak first. It was a game by this point, as they were all used to this feeling that had been brought on by their king. Yet, it seemed Sir Tristian was having the most trouble, as always.

( Those eyes, do they even belong to a man...? ) Tristan questioned, looking towards his king, whose emerald eyes seemed less like a fire matched only by dragons, and more like an oddity, something you couldn't define. The king had made no effort to show how they felt, and it only bothered him. At times like this, the man wished another redhead was here. A good joke could always ease a tense situation.

"My King...?" Gawain spoke, earning the room's and King Arthur's attention.

The room which was decorated and dressed in the finest decorations of their era, with crystal clear marble blue floors and towering white walls that were connected by great pillars, seemed to just pale when in the presence of the king. And so, as the large and towering windows let in the morning sunlight, the king raised her head and looked towards Gawain with an indifferent expression, as behind her, with a shadow cast over them, Merlin stood near her.

With longer hair and a more mature face, the king of knights stared at Gawain with bright lime green eyes that were empty, and soulless. Her aura remained, as she was quite intimidating, even more so now than in the past, yet it was when anyone looked her in the eyes, they felt many things but warmth. It was very unnerving to all.

"Yes?" With a calm voice, she spoke, almost near monotone as it rarely changed in pitch.

"How... Are we to handle this request? It's quite bold is it not?" Gawain questioned, hiding whatever he truly felt when in the presence of his king, he was loyal. Hearing his question, Artoria made no reaction at first. Closing her eyes for a moment and then reopening them, she spoke as she stood up.

"We will act as we have in the past," She answered, standing up and facing all present. "Britain has defeated Rome in the past, and we will today a third time if they wish to push this issue," She announced to all present, giving her answer on the long-standing issue as while not inspiring, her words reached those present.

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