Chapter Twenty Two

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[ Chapter 22 ]

The lavender-haired woman looked down at the letters, holding the stack in both of her hands. A crimson spear by her side, as she sat on a log. Staring down at the papers in front of her. Clenching them in anger, the feeling of loss became overwhelming as she looked down at the familiar handwriting. The feeling of nostalgia only pulls at her heart, yet also gives a sense of comfort. Taking a breath, the mother, teacher, and often called "Queen of Shadows." read the next letter.

Date: [ February 3rd. ]

[ Hello teacher! It's your favorite student, well your only student. But, it's me again, and once again I've decided to write to ya. Don't know when you'll receive this letter, along with the rest. As, If I'm being honest, I've held off on sending these to you. Part of me feels like if you find out where I am, you'll come marching up to the city gates demanding me. Even if I'm a lot stronger than my younger self, you're still you, a woman who's more man than a woman. And, I doubt Arthur would just let ya drag me back home kicking and screaming. Ha... Still, there are some people I want to introduce to you! I'm sure you know the people I'm talking about. Well, you will once you read these letters. ]

"So, he made more friends...that's good."

[ Sorry! Got sidetracked, but back onto the subject at hand. It's been about a little over a year since I and Arthur defeated Vortigern, ending the war. Yeah, this brat over here managed to fight a dragon, I wonder if that makes you proud? Maybe? I still remember when I'd get into fights with the wolf cubs and come crying to ya. Only for you to ask if I won or not. .....But yeah, aside from the occasional invaders, and problems at court, things have been pretty nice over here in Britain. Right! Several new faces have also joined Arthur's little kingdom. I can honestly say they're better at being knights than me, it's a little discouraging when I compare myself to them. But, I'm a warrior anyway, and they're good people too! ]

"He still doubted himself, even then...? I guess I should have praised you a little more, ha..."

[ There's Gawain as you know, but I'm sure you'll enjoy meeting Bedivere. He's a good man, and I'm sure you'll get a kick outta him. He's the dedicated type, not good with being messed with. Though, I'll admit...I may have made our first meeting rather awkward, by hitting on him... But that's irrelevant! There's also Sir Lancelot, Sir Tristan, and Sir Percival! All of them are members of the roundtable, and from sparing with them, I can say with confidence that they're really strong! But, I'm sure I can beat most of them if it came to that, you did train me after all. ]

"Yes, yes I did..."

[ But yeah, my life has grown only more hectic. But that's what makes this life worth living, isn't it? Heck, even Arthur found himself a queen! Her name is Guinevere, she's kinda like me, outgoing. Those two seem to have a good marriage, so I'm happy for the brat. ...And no, I haven't found a woman to settle down with yet, Mother. It's not as if I haven't thought about it. Hell, Lancelot tried introducing me to some women. I just haven't found that special person. Well, I have, but you already know why that wouldn't work... Not after that night. I'm worried about that woman, but... Even if I did settle down, I'd still have to let you meet her, and she'd have to pass that ridiculous test of yours. I still don't understand how you expect my future wife to beat you in a fight! You show you care about me in the craziest ways... ]

"...I guess I could have been a bit more open with you, child. But, I was trying to be a teacher, when you saw me as something else...of course, that boy did."

[ Well, that's it for now. I just wanted to let ya know I'm ok, and not dead, again. I and Sif are currently getting ready for work, being a knight isn't easy. I do miss ya, just to let you know, even if you're a hardass about things. It's funny, I'm twenty-eight, but I still feel like a child when I write to you. Haha, I think I'll request some time off and come visit you one of these days. Maybe, but ya gotta agree to let me get a headstart. ....So this is the end for now. To my hardass of a mother, from your dumbass of a son. I'm doing alright. ]

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