Chapter Sixty Six

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Dogs of War [ Chapter 66 ]: Arc Four

Title: [ Where does love begin? ]







"Sif you gotta put the blindfold on too! And no using your nose, it'll be cheating!" Gareth said before running past the six-foot wolf girl that reacted with a groan at the new rules.

"Yeah, that's right!" Baobhan Sith as she quickly began getting under her bed as did Gareth, the two watched the resident mount of their teacher and in one girl's case, Father, reach into her pocket and put on a black blindfold.

"Ugh, why am I being punished for having a nose?" SIf questioned as she began tying the fabric over her eyes, muttering to herself at the ridiculous attempt they were making at trying to dull her senses. "...I think they forgot about the 'Divine' part about me, I can see just fine with this on...but, I guess I can close my eyes and plug my nose...stupid pups," She chuckled as she heard the two girls giggle. Closing her eyes and dulling her senses as much as possible to where she was on the same level as a regular woman, the divine beast that stood in this little girl's room felt the morning wind brush against her furry ears as she remembered one of them had left the window open. Over at the open window and behind the curtains rested a nice whole pie with white icing.

"Okay! I'm counting from ten, girls! Start hiding or I'm gonna get ya!" Hearing a set of giggles in return, Sif covered her ears as she began. "Ten!" She started as Baobhan Sith looked over to Gareth.

"Wait, you stay here, I have an Idea," The redhead said as the blonde raised a brow. "What are you thinking?" Gareth questioned as Baobhan Sith smirked and pointed to the left at the large pile of stuffed animals and pillows in the corner of the room.


Sneaking out from under the bed, Baobhan Sith began to quickly walk over to the pile, and one by one began moving things out of the way, enough to make space for her to slip right in. Knowing Sif could likely sense the mana if used, the child manually placed the moved pillows and stuffed animals back in place to cover. Hidden under the pile of fluff and pillows, the plan was full proof as Gareth herself nodded as she smiled confidently as she looked back at Sif, or rather her feet as that was all she could see while under the bed,



"One! Ready or not, here I come you little brats!" SIf grinned as she took her hands off her ears. She knew this room like the back of her hand, because after all: ( Haha! I and blondy put this little room together, I'd be a sucker to lose!) Sif thought to herself as began making careful steps around the room, moving forward as she made her way to the door.

Running her hand across the knob before promptly locking it so the game didn't leave the room, Sif currently was around a couple of feet away from the pile of pillows that Baobhan was hiding in, making her the closest possible target if she turned.

"First clap," Sif requested.



"Ha!" Sif exclaimed as she realized the two girls were in the same spot as she realized where the sound came from.

Under the bed, Gareth had to suppress her giggles as she had in fact just tricked the woman. Clapping once for herself, and twice for Baobhan Sith, the girl had a cute look in her eyes as Sif stomped over to the window and pulled back the curtains only to find...

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